一本线高考网 高考报考 贵州省2022年高考填报志愿规定报考高考网站怎么登录


为做好考生志愿填报工作,根据《教育部关于做好2022年普通高等学校招生工作的通知》(教教[2022]29号), 1)根据《贵州省2022年普通高等学校招生规定》(黔招委〔2022〕7号)制定本规定。



2. 录取批次顺序


(2)体育招生批次顺序为:(1)本科院校第一批→(2)本科少数民族预科第一批→(3)本科院校第二批→(4)兼招​​生文学和历史、理工科本科院校(不含预先批准的文科、历史学、理工科本科院校)→(5)体育高职(专科)院校→(6)文科、历史、理工科高职(专科) )也适用的大学。

(3)文、史、理、工类录取批次顺序为:(1)提前批准本科院校→(2)国家专项计划本科院校→(3)地方专项计划本科院校→(4)特殊类型本科院校 学校→(5)第一批本科院校→(6)第一批本科少数民族预科班→(7)第二批本科院校→(8)第二批本科少数民族预科班→(9 )预先核准高职(专科)院校→(10)特殊高职(专科)院校→(11)高职(专科)院校。

3. 志愿者设置

除文科梯度申请外,文、史、理、工本科提前录取,文、史、理、工提前录取高职(专科)和特殊高职(专科) ,其他各科目、批次实行并行申请。 志愿设置见《贵州省2022年高考志愿试卷样本表》。

4. 平行志愿备案要求

平行志愿者提交按照“得分优先、服从志愿者”的原则一次性提交。 报送档案时,首先按照考生总成绩(高考文、史、理工类总成绩、体育综合成绩、艺术专业统考成绩)进行排序,然后按照考生填写的平行志愿顺序依次查找。 原则上按照招生计划,向招生院校的比例为105%左右(艺术类比例为100%)。

文、史、理、工平行志愿高考总成绩相同的考生排序规则如下:高考总成绩相同的,为2022年普通高考考生。学校在我省学籍并参加我省普通高中学业水平考试(以下简称学业考试)的考生排名在其他考生之前。 如果考生有学术考试成绩,则学术考试成绩最高的考生将排名第一。 若考生学业成绩总分相同,则按照高考语文、数学、外语三科综合成绩从高到低排序。 如果再次遇到相同分数,则按照文科或理科综合成绩从高到低排序。 如果按照上述方法分数仍然相同,则按照语文、数学单科顺序排序,即语文在前,分数相同则数学。 无学业成绩的考生高考总成绩相同的,按照考生语文、数学、外语综合成绩从高分到低分排序。 若再次遇到分数相同的,则按照考生文科或理科综合成绩从高分到低分的顺序进行排序。 排序,如果按照上面的方法还是遇到分数相同,那么就按照语文和数学单科分数的顺序排序,即先看语文,分数相同再看数学。

申请体育平行志愿者时,首先按照综合得分(文化得分÷2+专业得分)从高到低排序。 若考生综合成绩相同,则专业成绩较高的考生排名第一; 如果考生专业成绩相同,则排名第一。 高考文化总分排名。

申请艺术类平行志愿者时,首先按照专业统考成绩从高分到低分排序。 考生专业统考成绩相同的,按照高考总成绩排序。 如果文化总分相同,艺术(文学)考生优先。




1.报考军事院校(军校学生)的考生,必须是参加2022年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试的普通高中应届毕业生或往届毕业生,高中体质合格及以上测试。 候选人年龄应不低于17岁且不超过20岁(截至2022年8月31日),未婚。 军队院校(军校学生)需要进行面试、体检和政治考核。 考生在填写申请表时,必须仔细阅读所报考院校的招生规定和体检标准。 军队院校(军校学生)应填报“预先批准的文史理工类本科院校”栏目。 报考军事院校(军校学生)的考生须在面试、体检前按规定时间到户籍所在地或者经常居住地所在县(市、区、特区)人民武装部领取政治考核表并参与考核。 不参加政治考核或者考核结论不合格的,不能参加省军区组织的面试、体检。

2、报考公安院校公安专业的考生,须年满16周岁、22周岁以下(2000年9月1日至2006年8月31日出生),未婚,普通高中毕业。 报考公安院校公安专业的考生,必须参加学生所在省级公安机关政治部门组织的政治考察、面试、体检和体能测试。 政务考察、面试、体检、体能测试结论不合格的,不予录取。 考生在填写志愿时必须仔细阅读所报考院校的招生规定和体检标准。 公安院校公安专业本科生志愿者应填写“预先批准的文、史、理工类本科院校”栏目。 公安院校公安专业志愿者应填写“预先核准的文史理理工类高职(专科)院校”栏目。 拟报考公安院校公安专业的考生,须按规定时间在公安机关指定网站或“贵州公安院校考生信息采集系统”微信小程序上申请政审(付费)关注贵州省招生考试院门户网站)。 填写民航公安机关就业、铁路公安机关就业专业时,须签订就业协议或培训协议(具体程序另行通知)。

3、报考中央司法警察学院、浙江警察职业学院司法行政、警察专业的考生须到户籍所在地公安派出所进行政审。 通过政审、进入面试线的考生须在规定时间到指定地点(另行通知)参加面试。 、体检和体能测试。 司法行政、警察专业本科志愿者应填写“预批文史理工类本科院校”栏目。 司法行政、警察专业自愿填写“文史理理工类预审高职(专科)院校”栏目。 报考中央司法警察学院的考生,年龄不超过22周岁(2000年9月1日后出生),未婚,高中毕业生或具有相当学历的参加2022年全国普通高等学校统一考试的考生招生。 对候选人没有任何限制。 报考浙江警官职业学院的考生须年满16周岁,22周岁以下(2000年9月1日至2006年8月31日),未婚,高中毕业生或参加2022年全国统一考试的高中毕业生用于普通大学招生。 具有相同学历的考生、对应考生和往届考生不受限制。

4、报考南京森林警察学院公共安全专业(民航、公安机关就业)(简称空警专业)的考生须提前达到本科第二批录取分数线并参加面试,省级公安机关组织的体检、体质测试。 政审合格、空警职业体检合格者方可报考。 空警职业体检合格人员名单由省公安机关公布。 空警专业体检的时间、地点与省级公安机关组织的面试、体检、体能测试的时间、地点一致; 空警作为特种警种,对身体素质要求较高,必须符合中国民航总局对空乘人员的要求。 体检标准。 请考生关注南京森林警察学院招生网()发布的空警体检标准相关信息。


1、空军飞行员招考局招收的“飞行技术(航空飞行与指挥)”专业提前考入本科院校。 只有通过空军征兵考试的高中毕业生才能申请。 其他候选人不能申请。 语言仅限英语。 ,俄语。

2、中国民航飞行学院、昆明理工大学等院校招收的“飞行技术”专业提前升入本科院校。 经招生院校面试和综合考试合格的考生方可填写报名表。 其他候选人不能申请。 详细申请要求请参阅学校招生规定。


香港中文大学、香港中文大学(深圳)、香港城市大学提前安排本科院校录取。 申请方式与内地大学相同。 香港中文大学和香港城市大学录取时,以实际成绩为准。 档案提交(不含政策关怀加分),香港中文大学(深圳)在招生时根据考生高考总成绩(含政策关怀加分)提交档案。




中国消防救援学院是应急管理部直属的全日制普通高等院校。 报考中国消防救援学院的考生,年龄不超过22周岁(截至2022年8月31日),须参加省消防招考办公室组织的政治考核、体检、心理测试和面试,结论全部合格。


1、国家公派师范生:根据教育部规定,教育部直属七所师范大学(北京师范大学、北京师范大学(珠海校区)、华东师范大学、东北师范大学、西南大学) 、华中师范大学、陕西师范大学)招收我省公费师范生,其中北京师范大学、华东师范大学、东北师范大学、西南大学、华中师范大学、陕西六所高校师范大学,招收普通公费师范生。 北京师范大学(珠海)校区)、东北师范大学及两所高校招收普通高校专项计划国家公费师范生。

全国公费师范普通类文史理科生入读“文史理科本科预科生”、全国公费师范专科生被“特殊类型本科院校”批次录取; 体育、艺术类学生在“体育第一批本科院校”和“艺术类平行志愿本科院校批次”中录取。 拟报考教育部直属师范院校全国公费师范教育学生的考生,须于2022年6月4日至6月27日到户籍所在地市(州)教育局签署《录取通知书》。 《贵州省公办教育师范学校学生申请协议》。 录取时,省招生考试院会根据各市(州)教育局汇总已签订协议的考生名单,并根据考生志愿情况,从高中择优录取。分数到低分。 各高校择优择优,报省招生考试机关审核批准。 未签署协议的考生将不予录取。

2、优秀教师特别计划:根据教育部规定,今年共有8所教育部直属师范院校(北京师范大学(珠海校区)、华东师范大学、东北师范大学、西南师范大学)大学、华中师范大学、陕西师范大学、贵州师范大学、省直属贵州师范大学)招收我省优秀教师特级师范生,并提前安排本科入学。 特殊师范学校学生被录取后、收到录取通知书前,须与学生所在省份、籍贯省级教育行政部门、乡村振兴部门签订协议。 对拒不签署协议的录取学生,相关院校应取消优秀教师特招资格。

3、非藏族学生确定来西藏就业:根据教育部相关规定,填写《入藏申请表》的考生应为应届高中毕业生(不限国籍)。 》(从省招生考试机构网站下载),还须写好书面申请并有考生家长或监护人签署的意见(考生本人、考生家长或监护人须亲自签字),考生须填写《贵州省2022年普通高等学校招生申请表》、《定向藏族志愿考生申请表》及本人书面申请报送各市(州)招生考试机构。 市(州)招生考试机构届时将提交《贵州省2022年普通高等学校定向藏族志愿考生招生申请表》和我的书面申请。 向省招生考试院扫描录入考生电子档案,供高校录取时参考。 录取时,按照考生意愿从高分到低分择优录取。 最低录取分数线不得低于我省各高校相应本科批次晋级分数线40分。 获准进藏就业的考生,必须与西藏自治区人力资源和社会保障厅、招考学校签订《进藏就业协议》。 已被录取的考生,到学校签订《面向西藏就业协议书》后,方可办理新生报到和报到手续。 对拒绝签署《定向西藏就业协议》的,学校不予办理新生报到、报到手续,并取消其入学资格。 相关责任由考生本人承担。

4、本科农村订单免费医学生:根据《贵州省卫生健康委员会、贵州省教育厅、贵州省人力资源社会保障厅、贵州省中医药管理局关于2022年本科层次农村订单免费医学生的通知》订单式免费医学生招生招生工作通知(钱卫建函[2022]81号)规定,贵州医科大学、遵义医科大学、贵州中医药大学继续招收本科层次农村订单式医学生定向免费医学生(全国免费医学生),提前安排进入第一批本科院校录取,定向免费医学生仅招收农村地区考生,报考考生须符合以下条件:(1)符合我省2022年高考报名要求; 连续三年以上有本地户籍; (三)本人在户籍所在地县城有高中毕业连续三年并实际就读。 农村地区可根据贵州省统计局2015年统计地区代码和城乡区划代码(《贵州省2016年普通高考专项计划招生农村地区目录》)确定; 也可以确认2015年6月1日(不含6月1日)之前,以贵州省公安机关登记的农业户口为标准确认。 本科层次定向免费医学生计划分配到县,按县户籍考生录取,录取分数线不低于我省第二批本科生最低控制分数线原则。

根据考生自愿申报录取后,如目标县招生人数不足的,将进行补充申请。 具有本省本科免费医学生资格的考生可以补报。 申请补充自愿录取时,优先录取有对象县户籍的考生; 若目标县生源仍不足,则从目标县所在市(州)招生; 录取将根据成绩从高分到低分进行。




根据教育部《关于继续实施2022年重点普通高等学校招生专项计划的通知》(教部〔2022〕3号)要求,对71个县(市、区)实施国家专项计划(省内的市、区、特区)。 该方案和招生计划由教育部统一印发,并在《贵州省2022年高考专业招生目录》上公布。

符合下列条件的考生,可以申请国家专项计划:(一)符合我省2022年高考报名条件; (二)本人在我省国家专项规划实施地区连续三年以上有当地户籍,且其父亲或母亲或者法定监护人有当地户籍; (三)本人在户籍所在地县城高中就读连续三年并实际就读。


国家特色专业最低录取控制分数原则上以招生学校批次最低录取控制分数为准。 若同批次学生人数不足,将征集考生志愿者。 对于征集志愿者后尚未完成的计划,可根据紧缺情况和生源情况,在同批次最低备案控制分数线下,从高分到低分,适当降低分数。



符合下列条件的考生可以报考: (一)符合我省2022年高考报考条件; (二)本人及父亲或母亲或法定监护人户口均在实施地区农村地区,且本人连续三年以上有本地户籍; (三)已连续三年在户籍县高中就读并实际就读。 农村地区可按照《贵州省普通高考专项计划招生农村地区目录》确定; 也可通过2015年6月1日前贵州省公安厅登记的农业户口予以确认。



地方专项规划的最低报送控制分原则上以招生学校所在批次的最低报送控制分为准。 若同批次学生不足,将征集候选志愿者。 对征集志愿者后尚未完成的计划,可根据空缺情况和生源情况,在同批次最低录取控制分数线下适当降低分数,由高分向低分录取。


通过学院专项计划、综合评价、高水平艺术团、高水平运动队测试并入选的考生,须在“特殊类型招生本科院校”栏填写特殊类型招生申请表。 备案安排在地方专项计划招生院校备案后、第一批本科院校备案前进行。


根据《教育部关于印发普通高等学校少数民族预科班和民族班管理办法(试行)的通知》(教民[2005]5号),少数民族预科班和民族班只能招募少数族裔候选人。 。 未通过少数民族加分资格审核的考生,不得报考高校少数民族预科班和民族班。

“民族班”志愿者表格应填写在相应批次的志愿者栏目中。 录取时,将根据考生意愿从高分到低分择优录取。 录取分数线不得低于学院统一录取分数线40分; the “Minority Preparatory Course” volunteer form should be filled in In the "Minority Preparatory Course" column of the corresponding batch, candidates are selected from high scores to low scores according to their wishes during admission, and the admission score must not be lower than 80 points below the college's unified admission score.

(11) “Bilingual Ethnic Class” and “Minor-Han Bilingual Preparatory Course”

The enrollment institutions for bilingual ethnic classes are: Guizhou University for Nationalities, Tongren College, Liupanshui Normal College, and Guiyang Preschool Teachers College.

There are six colleges and universities enrolling ethnic-Han bilingual preparatory courses: Guizhou University for Nationalities, Kaili College, Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, Xingyi Normal University for Nationalities, Liupanshui Normal University, and Guizhou Engineering and Applied Technology College.

Candidates who apply for bilingual ethnic classes and ethnic-Chinese bilingual preparatory courses must take the provincial ethnic language oral test. Those whose household registration is in the 72 counties belonging to poor areas and ethnic minority areas in our province (see the "Notice of the Provincial Admissions Committee on Doing a Good Job in Ethnic-Chinese Bilingual Enrollment in 2022" (Guizhou Admissions Committee [2022] No. 11)) can use Miao, Buyi, Ethnic minority candidates who can communicate fluently in one of the six ethnic languages ​​of Dong, Yi, Shui and Yao and whose oral test scores in the ethnic language meet the qualification threshold can apply for bilingual ethnic classes or ethnic-Chinese bilingual preparatory courses. Bilingual ethnic minority undergraduate courses are admitted in the second batch of undergraduates, ethnic-Chinese bilingual preparatory courses are admitted in the second batch of ethnic minority preparatory courses, and bilingual ethnic minority college courses are admitted in the junior college batch. During admission, candidates will be selected from high scores to low scores according to their college entrance examination cultural scores. If there are insufficient students, they can be selected from high scores to low scores within the score reduction range stipulated by the Ministry of Education.

(12) Admissions to Yi language majors at Southwest University for Nationalities and Guizhou University for Nationalities

This year, Southwest University for Nationalities and Guizhou University for Nationalities have Yi language major programs in our province and are scheduled to enroll in the second batch of undergraduate programs.

Candidates who plan to apply for Yi language majors at Southwest University for Nationalities and Guizhou University for Nationalities must take the Yi language oral test organized by our province for minority languages, and their oral test scores must meet the eligibility criteria before they can fill in the application form.

Relevant requirements for enrollment in Yi language majors (Yi language oral test subjects, scores, score inquiries, test methods and scoring, underlining, admission principles, etc.) refer to the "Notice of the Provincial Admissions Committee on Doing a Good Job in the 2022 Chinese and Chinese Bilingual Enrollment" "(Guizhou Recruitment Commission [2022] No. 11) is implemented.

(13) Enrollment of preparatory classes for children of border guards

This year, Hunan University, Xihua University and Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology are recruiting preparatory classes for the children of border guards in our province. Only candidates who have the qualifications to apply for the preparatory classes for the children of border guards can apply.

(14) Admissions for sports and arts

1. Candidates who take the sports major examination and whose cultural and professional test scores and comprehensive scores reach the minimum admission control score for the corresponding undergraduate and junior college can apply for sports colleges (majors).

2. The sports major implements parallel volunteer submission. When filling in the application form, candidates are asked to carefully read the admissions regulations of the school they are applying for (candidates can check it on the Ministry of Education's Sunshine College Entrance Examination Information Platform, URL:) to learn more about the admissions requirements and admission principles of the school they are applying for. , fill in the application form accurately to avoid affecting admission.

3. Candidates who pass the unified examination for art majors in the province or the art major examination independently organized by the school can apply for art colleges (majors).

(1) Candidates who pass the province's unified art examination major can fill in: ① similar related majors in colleges and universities in the province;

(2) Candidates who apply for majors other than the provincial art unified examination can directly fill in the institutions (majors) that pass the professional examination, or fill in other institutions (majors) that use the professional examination results of the school.

(3) Art candidates who apply for admission to non-provincial planned colleges (majors) in our province should fill in the "Art Gradient Preferred Undergraduate College" column.

4. Candidates who fill in the sports and art undergraduate volunteers can also apply for the literature, history, and science and engineering volunteers of other batches of colleges and universities other than the undergraduate colleges approved in advance. If they also fill in the undergraduate colleges approved in advance, they cannot submit. Candidates who have not filled in their undergraduate preferences for sports and arts can apply for liberal arts, history, science and engineering from all batches of colleges and universities.

5. Except for the batch of "gradient volunteer undergraduate colleges" in the arts category, all other batches implement parallel volunteer submission. "Gradient voluntary undergraduate colleges" among the students who have qualified cultural and professional grades, all files are submitted according to the candidates' volunteers or according to the requirements of the colleges; "Parallel voluntary undergraduate colleges" and "Parallel voluntary higher vocational (specialist) colleges" Use the unified examination scores, sort them from high to low by professional scores, and submit 100% of the enrollment plans.

Candidates who apply for an art-related application and have qualified in more than one major can apply for the corresponding application using the qualified results in the same batch.

Candidates must carefully read the school's enrollment regulations when filling in the application form, and fully understand the school's admission principles, tuition fees, and requirements for total professional scores, cultural scores, individual subject scores, and physical conditions. If you are not admitted or withdrawn from school, you will be responsible for the consequences.

6. Music major. Music majors mainly include: (1) Musicology, (2) Musicology (Vocal, Keyboard, Orchestra, Folk Music, Composition, etc.), (3) Music Performance, (4) Music Performance (Vocal, Keyboard, Orchestra , folk music, composition and other minor directions). Musicology, music performance and other majors that use the results of the provincial music unified examination, file according to the unified examination results (regardless of the direction); Subdivided into small directions of instrumental music); for musicology and music performance majors who use the unified examination results of vocal music, keyboard, orchestra, folk music, and composition in our province, file according to the results of the unified examination of small directions.

Candidates who pass the music major (minority characteristic direction) can only fill in the major volunteers using the unified examination results. If one of the vocal music performance, instrumental music performance, and composition is qualified, they can also fill in the corresponding major in other music categories.

(15) Relevant policy descriptions

1. Candidates with children of migrant workers, according to the "Notice of Interim Provisions on Admission to General Colleges and Universities for Children of Migrant Workers in Guizhou Province" (Qian Fu Ban Fa [2012] No. 63), after examination, they are candidates who are restricted from applying for the exam, and fill in the literature and history categories, Volunteers in science and engineering, sports, and art, according to the "Notice of the Provincial Admissions Committee on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment and Registration of Ordinary Higher Schools in 2022" (Qian Zhao Wei [2021] No. 26) Attachment 1 "2022 Guizhou Province Foreign Personnel Random Implementation Measures for Migrant Children to Apply for General Colleges and Universities.

2. Policies take care of bonus points categories: one is for all colleges and universities to apply for, and the other is only for colleges and universities in the province to add points. Candidates should carefully read the "Guizhou Province 2022 Ordinary Higher School Enrollment Work Regulations" when filling out the application form , understand the categories and specific requirements for extra points in our province's policy care.

6. Things to note when filling out a volunteer application

(1) Candidates' wishes are an important basis for colleges and universities to admit new students. Candidates should fill in their volunteers according to the admissions colleges, categories, batches, school codes, professional names and codes announced by the Provincial Admissions Examination Institute, and fill in their volunteers in accordance with the volunteer regulations and procedures, and carefully proofread and confirm. The candidate shall be responsible for any errors caused by failing to fill in the application form in accordance with the prescribed time, procedures and requirements.

(2) The password on the candidate's admission ticket is the only certificate for the candidate to enter the online volunteer system. Please be sure to keep the password well. If you find that the password is leaked, you should report it to the county-level admissions office in time. Otherwise, if the volunteer information is filled in by others, the candidate himself will be responsible.

(3) Candidates can log on to the "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" admissions platform of the Ministry of Education (URL: ) to read the admissions regulations of the colleges and universities they fill in when filling out their volunteers, and learn more about the admissions requirements and admission principles of the school.

(4) Candidates applying for foreign language, foreign trade and other colleges or majors that require oral English test scores should take the oral English test organized by the Provincial Admissions and Examination Institute. Candidates who have not taken the English speaking test may not be admitted to such colleges or majors.

(5) Each batch of college applications has a "Whether you are willing to submit to professional adjustments" column. Candidates are asked to think carefully and express their wishes.

(6) To check admission information, candidates can log in to the online application homepage () with their admission ticket and password to check their admission status.

(7) If there are vacancies in each batch of colleges and universities after admission according to regulations, the vacancies will be announced on the website of the Provincial Admissions and Examination Agency and make-up applications will be made. Candidates are advised to pay attention to the relevant information released on the website of the Provincial Admissions Examination Authority.

Attachment: 1.Guizhou Province 2022 College Entrance Examination Application Paper Sample Form.docx


Guizhou Province 2022 General College Admissions Application Form for Tibetan Volunteer Candidates.doc


