一本线高考网 高考报考 2016陕西高考报考指南高考指南和报考指南有什么区别


2016年陕西省高考报名指南第一部分:陕西省2016年高考报名时间及规定 陕西省2016年高考报名时间及规定 各市招生办(考试管理中心)、杨凌示范区、西安市教育考试院中心、各县(区)招生办公室:为做好2016年陕西省普通高考报名工作,现将有关事项通知如下: 一、报名条件 (一)申请报名参加陕西省普通高考的考生在陕西参加高考应具备以下基本条件: 1(遵守中华人民共和国宪法和共和国法律; 2)(身体状况符合相关要求; 3(截至高考当年)高中阶段在陕西连续学习3年,学生已注册为我省高中阶段学生并已连续学习3年,即从第3年开始一学年内,按规定完成3年学习的学生,可获得陕西省普通高等学校颁发的毕业证书。 普通高中毕业生还应具有省高中学业水平考试成绩。 (二)除满足基本要求外,还应满足以下条件之一: 1(截至高考当年8月1日,户籍已在陕西满三年;截至8月31日,本人及其父亲或母亲或法定监护人已在陕西省常住户口。2(截至高考当年8月31日,父亲或法定监护人已在陕西省居住满三年。母亲或法定监护人已在陕西省常住。在陕西省工作3年以上并持有公安部门颁发的有效证明,并按照国家规定在陕西省缴纳职工基本养老保险3年以上(含3年);3名(截至当年高考期间,8人来陕西不足1个月)31日,本人与父亲或母亲或法定监护人在常住户口居住满3年,但户口迁入前其父亲或母亲或法定监护人居住在陕西省,并持有公安部门出具的有效证明。 在此期间,他在陕西纳税。 职工基本养老保险的居住期限与取得户籍时间连续,且两个期限合计为3年。

(三)有下列情形之一的,不得在我省注册: 1(具有高等教育学历的在校大学生; 2(非应届高中毕业生; 3)(非应届高中毕业生)中等教育)毕业当年以弄虚作假手段报名,非法参加普通高考(含全国统考、省统考和高校自主组织的招生考试,以下简称“高考”)的应届毕业生; 4(因违反国家教育考试规定,被暂停参加高考并在暂停期内的人员; 5(因触犯刑法被有关部门采取强制措施或者正在服刑的人员) 2(4)具有与高中毕业生同等学历的人员报名参加参加高考的,您和您的父亲、母亲或者法定监护人必须有陕西省户口,并且您的第一户口必须在陕西。 注册前,须书面填写同等学历证明,由户籍所在地县(区)教育行政部门审核并出具意见。 公安部门出具户籍审核意见后,入学申请由户籍所在地县(区)招生委员会办公室受理。 (五)外出务工的父亲、母亲或者法定监护人在外省就读,不符合所在省份高考报名条件的。 第一户口在陕西省,且申请人及其父亲、母亲或者法定监护人有陕西省常住户口的,可以在户口所在地县(区)申请报名参加高考。登记所在地凭相关人员户籍、省高中学历学生身份等材料。 (六)因部队调动、工作调动(指国家机关、事业单位、国有企业人事管理部门办理的调动),随父亲、母亲将常住户口迁至我省,并有我将高中学籍转到我省。 转入我省不受户籍、学籍限制。

(七)在高中阶段因故经批准休学,但在休学期间仍保留学籍的,并已取得我校高中阶段完整学籍的;省内复学后,可以申请报名参加高考。 (八)在我省定居的外国人,必须遵守中华人民共和国宪法,具有相当于高中毕业的学历,具备符合规定的身体条件,并必须持有《中华人民共和国永久居留证》。公安机关核发的《中华人民共和国外国人居留许可》。 3、二、报名时间及方式(1)报名时间:2015年12月1日至7日。(2)凡拟参加2016年普通高校招生(含各类免试)的人员入学考生、计划参加各类专项或单独招生考试的考生等)必须在本县报名参加高考,其中,在陕西户籍的考生及其父亲或母亲或者法定监护人必须在本县报名户籍所在地县(区)招生办公室负责考生资格审查;外省来陕西进城务工的农民工及其他非陕西籍就业人员子女随迁户口应当在学籍学校所在地县(区)登记,报考资格由县(区)有关部门负责审核。 在本省其他县(区)学校就读的毕业生,须返回户籍所在地县(区)办理户口登记。 高考考生的《学籍证明》和《思想品德考核表》(附件1)应当到户籍所在地县(区)招生办公室指定的报到点办理。 (三)初中班考生凭报考学校通知报名。

陕西内地西藏班、新疆新疆班考生在所在学校所在地报到。 (四)申请科目分为文史类、艺术类(文学)、理工类、艺术类(理科)、体育类五类。 考生报名时只能选择其中一个类别,报名后不得更改。 文学、历史、艺术(文学)全国统考科目为语文、数学(文学)、综合文科、外语; 理科、工科、艺术(理科)、体育科全国统一考试科目为语文、数学(理科)、综合理科、外语。 外语科目包括听力考试和笔试。 第四批提前录取批次艺术、体育考生在填写申请表时,只能申请艺术、体育项目,不得同时申请其他科目; 其余批次的艺术(文学)考生可以填写文史类申请,艺术(理科)申请),体育类考生可以填写理工类申请。 文学、历史学、理工科考生不得同时报考其他学科。 (五)按照《关于普通高考使用第二代居民身份证的通知》(陕教考[2011]3号)要求,“参加高考报名须出示身份证件”。第二代居民身份证,否则不予办理报名手续。因未能补发第二代居民身份证而影响正常报名的,责任由考生自行承担。 报考前,考生须到县(区)招生办公室指定地点领取第二代居民身份证信息,领取报考号和密码。 报名时,登录陕西省招生考试信息网,进入网上报名系统,核对自己的姓名、性别、身份证号等信息,并仔细阅读《考生须知》、《2016年普通高考考生须知》 《诚信承诺》、《国家教育考试违法行为处理办法》及《刑法修正案(九)》的相关规定,您在同意履行诚信承诺后,必须输入您的注册信息。

(六)根据教育部、中国残疾人联合会《普通高等学校残疾人参加全国统一考试管理规定(暂行)》(教考〔2015〕2号),在我省报考高考并申请合理便利的残疾考生,应凭第二代及以上《高考残疾证》向报考地县(区)招生办公室提出正式书面申请。注册期间“中华人民共和国”。 逾期申请将不予受理。 (七)各类享受入学关爱政策的特殊考生须提交相关材料原件核验,同时填写《特殊考生证明表》报主管部门审核。 仅属于少数族裔且不再具备其他护理资格的候选人无需填写此表格。 少数民族资格由县(区)招生办公室收集考生身份证信息后审核确认。 各市、县(区)招考办公室要严格审查特邀考生资格并在当地公示,接受社会监督,发现问题及时查处。 除少数民族考生外,各市(区)招生办公室须将特殊考生纳入名册,于2016年5月底前报省招生办公室。省招生办公室对特殊考生资格进行审核,并在网上公布。陕西招生考试信息网。 (八)凡在普通高校招生全国统一考试前已被相关院校录取的考生,不得再次参加全国普通高校招生统一考试。 省招生办公室将拟录取名单在统一考试前下发至市、县(区)招生办公室。 各县(区)招生办公室不再向被录取的考生发放准考证。 (九)按照省物价局、省财政厅核定的标准,考生须缴纳报名考试费95元。

申请费通过网上银行支付。 支付成功后即可办理确认等后续注册手续。 请使用开通网上银行功能的银行卡进行支付。 发卡银行包括:中国工商银行、中国农业银行、招商银行、中国建设银行、中国光大银行、中国民生银行、中国银行、交通银行、上海浦东发展银行、中信银行、兴业银行、广发银行、渤海银行、深圳发展银行、北京银行、平安银行、北京农村商业银行、上海银行、宁波银行、东亚银行、南京银行、杭州银行、浙商银行。 没有上述银行卡或未开通网上银行功能的考生应提前6小时办理申请。 网上缴费时间:2015年12月1日至7日。 3、对特殊考生资格进行审核,确保信息准确。 为确保考生报名信息准确,各市、县(区)必须扎实细致做好报名各阶段工作。 (一)2015年12月1日至7日期间,考生须完成网上报名程序。 各县(区)招生办公室必须提前对考生资格进行审核,不符合报名条件的,不予报名。 持有非县(区)公安机关核发的居民身份证和非县(区)学籍的考生,必须认真审核,确认户籍、学籍真实、符合规定,方可报考。 各报名点要做好报名宣传工作。 报名开始前,必须调试二代居民身份证信息采集设备,做好考生报名号、密码的采集、上传、打印、发放工作。 凡报考普通高等学校的申请人,必须按时报到。 逾期未报名者,责任自负。

(二)来陕西外省务工人员子女和其他非陕西户籍职工申请在陕西报名参加高考的,须符合本通知规定的报名条件。 考生资格审查按照《陕西省进城务工人员随迁子女参加普通高考实施细则》(陕教考〔2013〕3号)和《关于报名资格审核的通知》进行实施《陕西省普通高等学校招生考试办法》(陕教考[2015]3号)。 (三)国家、地方、高校贫困地区定向招生和免费医疗定向生专项计划等招生类别对考生类型、学历、实际招生情况有特殊要求,2016年起,相关考生资格审核工作与高考报名同步开展,由各县(区)招生办公室负责其中,城镇考生、城市考生、农业考生、农村考生等考生类型不再由考生自行填写。 由县(区)招考办公室指定的报名点或县(区)招考办公室严格按照《国务院统计数据》、《关于批准城镇居民区划条例的有关要求》的相关要求进行更换。 《统计区划代码》(国函[2008]60号),以及国家统计局最新公布的年度《统计区划代码》和《城乡统计分区代码》。 在农村地区,确定考生是否为农村考生,并负责在网上报名系统中标注相应的考生类型。 各县(区)招考办公室应当制定农村考生具体资格审查程序和办法。 对个人家庭确实是农村,但户籍所在地按照城乡划分标准属于城镇的考生,各县(区)要对农村土地确权、参与农村联动治理等情况进行全面审核。保证农村考生资格真实的其他信息。 精确的。

同时必须在考生所在高中和当地进行公开公告,接受社会监督。 农村考生中,符合以下条件的,在网上报名系统中予以特别标注:1(本人及父亲、母亲或者法定监护人在本县(区)连续3个地区有户籍;2(本人与父亲、母亲或者法定监护人在本县(区)连续3个地区有户籍);户籍本县(区));县(区)高中连续三年以上;农村就学年限56年以上,国家级贫困县(陕西省国家级连片县)户籍高中实际就读率特殊困难(区)和8个扶贫开发重点县(区),名单见附件2)须按下列条件审查符合国家专项计划资格的人选,并在1(本人、父亲或母亲或法定监护人连续3年以上具有本县(区)户籍资格; 2(本人在县(区)高中学历连续3年。 (4)2015年12月15日前确认报名信息。报名信息必须真实、准确,考生须填写《个人信息负责人》任何人或者任何单位不得代考生填写应考生填写的信息,不得强迫考生选择报考科目,或者强迫考生填写一些不符合考生个人信息的信息。与考生实际情况不符的,报名完成后,各县(区)招生办公室须打印考生报名信息核对表,并由考生签字确认。考生核验过程中发现的信息错误,应及时更正; 办理第二代居民身份证; 较早到达、报到时相貌与身份证照片有较大差异的考生;可向县(区)招生办公室申请现场采集数码照片。

申请时须提供身份证明以及户籍管理部门和所在中学的身份证原件(非在校学生须由所在单位或乡镇街道办事处出具)。 经县(区)招考办公室批准后,须在报名地点提交。 收集候选人的数码照片。 各县(区)招生办公室现场采集数码照片申请过程中,需严格审核,防止“高考移民”和代考者趁机通过考试。 (五)2015年12月15日前,对候选人进行思想政治道德考核。 思想政治道德考核主要依据候选人的实际表现。 考生学籍所在学校或单位负责对其政治态度、思想道德品质进行综合评价,内容必须完整、准确。 学校学生思想政治道德考核由专人录入网上报名系统,由学校审核; 非在校学生的考核由所在单位填写(无单位的由乡镇街道办事处填写)。 《2016年陕西省高考非在校生报名《思想政治品德考核表》(附件3)并加盖公章;学校负责对回县(区)考生进行身份认定县(区)招生办公室必须指定专人将非在校学生和返回户籍所在地县(区)考生的思想政治品格考核内容录入曾受过刑事处罚、治安处罚、纪律处分的考生,须提供错误事实、处理意见等详细材料。处理、对错误的认识和改正错误的实际表现,必须对其真实性负责。 县(区)招生办公室负责审核。 有下列情形之一的,视为思想政治道德考核不合格:一(反对宪法规定的基本原则或者加入邪教组织的;二)违反治安管理处罚法,受到治安管理处罚法处罚的。经公安机关处理,情节严重、恶劣。

(六)上一年度已被普通高等学校录取,因故被录取院校劝退而未在录取院校就读的,应向县提交录取院校证明(区)招生办公室报到时。 县(区)招生办公室负责审核退学书面材料,查看考生是否“因各种原因自愿放弃在录取院校学习”。 无法提供书面证明材料或被认定为“因各种原因自愿放弃在录取院校学习10”的考生,将其上一年度在录取院校自愿放弃学习的情况记录在电子档案中,并招生院校可以记录其自愿放弃在录取院校学习的事实。 这可以作为退出的理由。 上一年度第一批申请的本科院校和专业被录取的考生,因各种原因自愿放弃在被录取院校学习的。 2016年高考成绩公布时,他们的排名处于同等分数的最低位。 2016年学籍及登记学籍及实际就读高中。 第二章 高考报名汇总:2016年高考报名时间及报名方式汇总 2016年高考报名汇总:2016年高考报名时间及报名方式汇总 2016年高考报名公告一个接一个地开始。 将进行网上登记。 考生不仅要在线填写基本信息,还要通过现场资格审核、身份验证信息采集、在线支付。 高考君将整理2016年全国高考报名时间和网址。 在此提醒广大考生,请时刻关注所在地区高考报名时间,以免错过报名时间。 逾期不予办理高考报名手续。

(报名信息不断更新,敬请关注……)下载更多高中学习资料和高考绝密复习总结资料,请关注微信公众号:高考gaokao010; 自主招生zzzs010; 打开微信搜索关注账号即可免费获取~下载更多高中学习资料和高考绝密复习总结资料请关注11微信账号:高考gaokao010; 自主招生zzzs010; 打开微信搜索关注账号即可免费获取~下载更多高中学习资料,高考绝密复习、总结资料请关注微信公众号:高考gaokao010; 自主招生zzzs010; 打开微信搜索关注账号即可免费获取~下载更多高中学习资料和高考绝密复习总结资料请关注微信账号:gaokao010; 自主招生zzzs010; 打开微信搜索关注账号即可免费领取~ 第三章:关于2017年陕西省普通高考报名工作的通知 2017年陕西省普通高考报名工作致各市及杨凌示范区招生办的通知(考试管理中心)、西安市教育考试中心、各县(区)招生办公室:为做好2017年陕西省普通高等学校招生考试报名工作,按照教育部、省教育厅有关规定,招生委员会,现将有关事项通知如下: 一、报名条件 (一)申请报名参加陕西省高考应具备的基本条件: 1、遵守中华人民共和国宪法和法律中国; 2、身体条件符合相关要求; 3、高考当年起,具有陕西省高中连续学籍 修满三年后,即从第一学年开始,在陕西省普通高中就读并连续学习3年。 按规定完成学业,可获得陕西省高中阶段教育学校颁发的毕业证书(申请者为高中阶段教育)中等教育第十二阶段。经批准休学一年的学生休学期间应保留学籍,复学后取得我省高中阶段完整学籍)。

(二)陕西省户籍人员申请在陕西报名参加高考,除符合上述基本条件外,还须自当年8月31日起在陕西常住户口满三年。高考。 户籍在陕西,但不符合上述户口登记或学生登记条件的: 1.具有相当于高中毕业生学历的人员报名参加高考的,其本人、其父亲母亲或者其法定监护人必须在陕西省有常住户口,且第一户口在陕西省。 在注册之前,我应该写一份同等学历的书面声明。 户籍所在地县(区)教育行政部门审核并出具意见后,户口所在地县(区)招生委员会办公室受理申请。 2.父亲、母亲或者法定监护人为外出务工人员,在外省就读,不符合所在省份高考报名条件,且第一户口在陕西的且本人及其父亲、母亲或者法定监护人常住户口在陕西省的,申请人必须持有《中华人民共和国户口所在地县(区)高考报名办法》。户籍、省内普通高中在校学生身份等材料。 3. I will transfer my permanent residence to our province along with my father or mother due to military resettlement or job transfer (referring to the transfer handled by the personnel management department of state agencies, institutions, and state-owned enterprises), and transfer my senior secondary education student status to our province. In our province, there are no restrictions on household registration or student status. 4. As of August 31 of the year of college entrance examination, for those who have been studying in Shaanxi for three years but whose permanent residence has been in Shaanxi for less than three years, if their father or mother or legal guardian held a Shaanxi Province residence permit before their household registration was moved to our province, During this period, if you pay the basic employee pension insurance in Shaanxi, and the time you hold the residence permit and the time you obtain the household registration are consecutive, and the two times add up to 3 years, you can apply to register for the college entrance examination in the county (district) where the household registration is located.

(3) Children of migrant workers from other provinces who come to Shaanxi and other non-Shaanxi registered permanent residents working in Shaanxi (hereinafter referred to as "migrated children") who apply to register for the college entrance examination in Shaanxi, in addition to meeting the above basic conditions, must be eligible for college entrance examination by 8 months of the year of college entrance examination. On March 31, my father or mother or legal guardian should have held a Shaanxi Province residence permit for more than 3 years, and paid basic employee pension insurance in Shaanxi for more than 3 years (including 3 years) in accordance with national regulations. If the provincial public security department, human resources and social security department make supplementary regulations on the conditions for the father or mother or legal guardian of the migrant children to live in Shaanxi or participate in insurance payment, all cities, counties (districts) are requested to comply with the requirements. (4) Foreign nationals who have settled in our province must abide by the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, have academic qualifications equivalent to graduating from a senior secondary education school, have physical conditions that meet relevant requirements, and must hold the "Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners of the People's Republic of China" issued by the public security organ. certificate". (5) The following persons are not allowed to register in our province: 1. Current students of colleges and universities with higher educational qualifications; or students who have been admitted to colleges and universities and retain their admission qualifications; 2. Current students of senior secondary education schools who are not recent graduates; 3. Graduating students who registered in non-graduation years at the senior secondary education stage by fraudulent means and illegally participated in general college admissions examinations (including national unified examinations, provincial unified examinations and admissions examinations independently organized by 14 universities, hereinafter referred to as "college admissions examinations") students; 4. Those who have been suspended from participating in college admissions examinations due to violation of national education examination regulations and are within the suspension period; 5. Those who have been subject to compulsory measures by relevant departments or are serving sentences for violating criminal laws.

2. Registration time and method (1) Registration time: Log in to the Shaanxi Admissions Examination Information Network from December 1 to 7, 2016. (2) All those who plan to participate in the 2017 general college admissions (including various exam-free admission candidates, candidates who plan to take various special or separate admission exams, etc.) must register for the college entrance examination. Among them, candidates whose household registration is in Shaanxi shall register in the county (district) where their household registration is located, and the county (district) admissions office will be responsible for the examination of candidate qualifications; children who follow them will register in the county (district) where the school with registered student registration is located, and the examination of candidate qualifications shall be carried out The relevant departments of the city, county (district) are responsible for this. Graduates in this province who are studying in schools other than the county (district) where their household registration is located must return to the county (district) where their household registration is located to register. (District) College Entrance Examination Candidates' Student Status Certificate and Ideological and Moral Assessment Form” (Attachment 1, the review procedures will be handled uniformly by the middle school and the education administration department of the county/district to which they belong). Register at the registration point designated by the admissions office of the county (district) where your household registration is located. (3) Candidates in the junior class register with the notice from the school where they apply. Candidates studying in the Mainland Tibet class and Xinjiang class in Shaanxi register at the location of their school. (4) The subjects applied for are divided into 5 categories: literature and history, art (literature), science and engineering, art (science), and physical education. Candidates can only choose one of the categories when registering and cannot change it after registration. The national unified examination subjects for literature, history, and arts (literature) are Chinese, mathematics (literature), comprehensive liberal arts, and foreign languages; the national unified examination subjects for science, engineering, art (science), and physical education are Chinese, mathematics (science), comprehensive science, and foreign languages.

Foreign language subjects include listening tests and written tests. When filling in the application form, art and sports candidates in the early admission batch can only apply for arts and sports subjects, and are not allowed to apply for other subject subjects at the same time; for the remaining batches of art (literature) candidates, they can fill in the literature and history subject, art (science) subjects. , Physical education candidates can fill in the application for science and engineering. Candidates in literature, history, science and engineering are not allowed to apply for other subjects at the same time. (5) In accordance with the requirements of the "Notice on the Use of Second-Generation Resident Identity Cards for General College Entrance Examinations" (Shaanxi Jiao Kao [2011] No. 3), "Registration for the college entrance examination must present a second-generation resident identity card, otherwise the registration will not be processed Procedures. If normal registration is affected due to failure to issue a second-generation resident ID card, the responsibility shall be borne by the candidate." Before registering, candidates must go to the location designated by the county (district) admissions office to collect their second-generation resident ID card information and receive their registration number and password. When registering, log in to the Shaanxi Admissions and Examination Information Network, enter the online registration system, check your name, gender, ID number and other information, and carefully read the "Instructions for Candidates", "2017 General College Admissions Examination Candidates' Integrity Commitment", and "National Education Examination" "Measures for Handling Violations" and the relevant provisions of "Amendment to the Criminal Law (9)", you must enter your registration information after agreeing to fulfill your commitment to good faith. (6) According to the "Administrative Regulations for Disabled Persons to Participate in the National Unified Examination for the Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Interim)" by the Ministry of Education and the China Disabled Persons' Federation (Teaching Examination [2015] 16 No. 2), registration for the college entrance examination in our province and application for reasonable accommodations Candidates with disabilities should submit a formal written application to the admissions office of the county (district) where they registered with their second-generation or above "Disability Certificate of the People's Republic of China" during the registration period. 逾期申请将不予受理。

Relevant cities, counties (districts) should organize expert groups to conduct on-site confirmation and comprehensive evaluation of disabled candidates before March 15, 2017, and submit written evaluation reports to the provincial recruitment office. (7) All types of special candidates who enjoy the admission care policy must submit relevant original documents for verification, and at the same time fill in the "Special Candidate Certification Form" and submit it to the competent department for review. Candidates who only belong to ethnic minorities and no longer have other qualifications for care do not need to fill in this form. Their ethnic minority qualifications will be reviewed and confirmed by the county (district) admissions office after collecting the candidate's ID card information. Each city, county (district) recruitment office must strictly review the qualifications of special candidates and publicize them locally, accept social supervision, and promptly investigate and deal with any problems found. Except for ethnic minority candidates, each city (district) admissions office must classify special candidates into a register and submit them to the provincial admissions office before the end of May 2017. The Provincial Admissions Office will review the qualifications of special candidates and publish them on the Shaanxi Admissions and Examination Information Network. (8) All candidates who have been admitted to the relevant colleges and universities before the national unified examination for general college admissions are not allowed to take the unified examination again. The provincial admissions office will compile and distribute the list of admitted candidates to the city and county (district) admissions offices before the unified examination. The county (district) admissions offices will no longer issue admission tickets to the admitted candidates. (9) In accordance with the standards approved by the Provincial Price Bureau and the Provincial Department of Finance, candidates must pay a registration examination fee of 95 yuan. The application fee is paid through online banking. After successful payment, confirmation and other follow-up procedures for registration can be processed 17 days later. For payment, use a bank card that has enabled online banking. Card-issuing banks include: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, China Construction Bank, China Everbright Bank, China Minsheng Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Communications, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, China CITIC Bank, Industrial Bank, and China Guangfa Bank , Bohai Bank, Shenzhen Development Bank, Bank of Beijing, Ping An Bank, Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, Bank of Shanghai, Bank of Ningbo, Bank of East Asia, Bank of Nanjing, Bank of Hangzhou, Zheshang Bank.

Candidates who do not have the above-mentioned bank cards or have not opened the online banking function should apply in advance. Online payment time: December 1 to 7, 2016. 3. Do a good job in reviewing the qualifications of special candidates to ensure that the registration information is accurate. (1) From December 1 to 7, 2016, candidates must complete the online registration process. Each county (district) admissions office must review candidates' qualifications in advance, and those who do not meet the registration requirements will not be allowed to register. Candidates holding resident ID cards issued by non-county (district) public security organs and non-county (district) student registration must be carefully reviewed to confirm that their household registration and student registration are authentic and comply with regulations before they can register. All registration points must do a good job in registration promotion. Before registration begins, they must debug the second-generation resident ID card information collection equipment and do a good job in collecting, uploading, printing, and issuing candidates' registration numbers and passwords. All applicants who intend to enroll in general colleges and universities must register on time. Those who fail to register after the deadline are responsible for their own responsibility. 18


