一本线高考网 高考报考 泉州市教育局关于印发《2021年泉州市初中毕业升学考试和普通高中招生工作方案》的泉州市高中录取规则



《2021年泉州市初中毕业入学考试和普通高中招生工作方案》已经研究通过,现予印发。 请遵守。


2021 年 3 月 23 日


为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于深化新时代教育评价改革的精神,推进普通高中教育方式改革,根据教育部、福建省教育厅和本市考试招生制度改革的意见和要求,并结合本市实际情况。 。





初中学业水平考试分为等级考试和资格考试两类。 水平考试科目:语文、数学、英语(含听力,下同)、品德与法治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物、体育与健康等10个科目,其中地理、生物考试为安排在八年级(初二)。 资格考试科目:音乐、美术、信息技术三个科目,以及物理、化学、生物实验操作考试。 其中生物实验操作和信息技术被安排在八年级(初二)。 资格考试参照《泉州市初中音乐艺术学科学业水平考试指导意见》、《泉州市初中信息技术能力考试指导意见》和《实验操作能力考试指导意见》 《泉州市初中物理、化学、生物考试》,泉州市教育科学研究院编写。 “实施,信息技术实行计算机化考试,鼓励和支持物理、化学、生物实验操作现场操作考试。鼓励有条件的县(市、区)采用人机对话方式开展英语听说考试探索,测试学生的英语听说能力、口语表达能力、音乐、艺术等,由各县(市、区)组织的学校按照市教育局的要求实施,并实行基础知识纸笔考试和技能考试相结合;资格考试的科目测试结果以“通过”和“不合格”呈现,作为学生综合素质考核和录取的依据之一到省级高中。


语文、数学、英语、道德与法治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物等九个科目以及基础体育和健康知识考试实行省统考,全部采用省统考形式。闭卷笔试。 其中,道德法治、体育健康基础知识考试同时进行。 各科目试题均以教育部初中科目课程标准为依据。


1、省统考。 2021年省高中统考定于6月25日至27日举行。 具体科目考试安排如下:








物理 (8:30-10:00) 化学 (10:45-11:45)





注:英语听力考试于15:00开始。 中考相关考试工作按照省教育考试院的相关要求进行。

2、体育与健康学科“体质与运动技能”考试定于4月上旬至5月中旬进行,按照《泉州市教育局实施意见》组织实施关于2021年初中毕业体育考试的通知》 往届学生升学须重新参加体育考试,体育、健康检查成绩有效期为当年。

三、全市初中音乐、美术、信息技术和物理、化学、生物实验操作资格考试定于2021年5月举行,各县(市、区)教育局制定考试方案并报送于2021年4月12日前报市教育局(普通中学教育处邮箱zjk@qzedu.cn)批准后组织具体实施。 参加学校所在县的市立中学(市或区教育局组织的考试。


中考省统考科目继续由我局组织实施电脑在线评分。 具体中考评分工作由我局中等教育处、市教育招生考试院、市教育科学研究所等相关部门统一组织实施,并由省教育厅评估考试院。 市纪委驻市教育局纪检监察组负责论文指导、质量把控和全程监督。

各学校要采取有效措施,解决网上阅卷的答题要求,加强对学生的指导和模拟训练,使所有考生都能正确掌握和使用答卷作答。 回答答题纸时,请使用 2B 铅笔和 0.5 毫米黑色记号笔。 具体要求由市教育招生考试院另行通知安排。


2021年起,学业水平考试各科目成绩将作为高中入学的基本依据。 高中生录取将按照“省统一考试9科成绩与水平考试10科成绩相结合”的方式录取。 科学开展,按照文理并重、全面发展、结合实际的原则,设定成绩底线要求,科学制定招生中各学科成绩的使用方案。

1、分级考试10个科目的评分方式分为原始分数和折算分数两种方法。 录取总分为800分。 详情如下:



(三)物理、化学、伦理与法治、历史、地理、生物论文分数均为100分,按90%、60%、50%、50%、30%、30分计算分别占论文分数的%。 录取总分分别为90分、60分、50分、50分、30分、30分。

科目考试成绩四舍五入到小数点后两位,录取总成绩四舍五入到小数点后一位。 考生考试成绩可通过泉州市教育局门户网站或泉州市中考招生信息管理系统查询。 论文不会被检查。

2.层次呈现法。 省统一组织考试科目按原成绩从高分到低分分为甲、乙、丙、丁、戊五个等级。 各学科级别报考人数比例原则上A级15%、B级30%、C级35%、D级15%、E级5%; A、B、C、D 等级为合格,E 等级为不合格且比例不超过 5%,但在考生成绩排名后的 5% 中,若考生的学科试卷成绩不低于总成绩的 60%科目成绩,记为D级; 缺席考试的科目成绩将被记录为“缺席”,并且不会记录成绩。

3. 2020年初二地理、生物考试成绩纳入学生今年初中毕业和入学考试成绩,用于高中学校录取。 回我市户籍地参加今年高中招生的在外省就读的往届学生和应届初中毕业生,必须在我市报名参加今年初中毕业考试十个科目的考试。城市。

2. 考试报名及志愿者申请表


初中毕业、入学考试和初中二年级地理、生物学业水平考试报名时间安排为3月26日上午8点至3月30日下午6点。报名时间以泉州市中考为准。信息管理系统。 泉州市初中学籍的学生,由学籍所在地学校统一组织,报学籍所在地县(市、区)教育局招生办办理。 具有泉州市户籍的出国留学学生,可返回户籍所在县(市、区教育局招生考试办公室指定报到点报到)。

就读后因转学、复学、回居住地报考等原因无法参加2020年我市初中二年级地理、生物学业水平考试的人员其他省份的中学,须于2021年6月27日报名参加地理和生物学业水平考试。 参加我市2022年中考的考生须参加2021年或2022年全省初中地理、生物学科水平考试。

非泉州户籍的外来务工人员子女和经本市教育行政部门核准确认学籍的应届初中毕业生,可在现就读学校报名参加中考,并报到就读泉州普通高中时。 具有户籍的考生一律平等对待。

申请返回我市户籍所在地县(市、区)参加初中毕业考试的学生,应当到户籍所在地县(市、区)教育局指定的报到点报到。他们的户籍是。 登记时须提供下列材料: (一)户口簿原件及复印件; (二)身份证原件及复印件; (3)应届生应提供加盖所在学校公章的全国学籍系统《学生学籍基本信息表》截图; (4)往届学生需提供毕业证书(或结业证书)原件及复印件; (五)参加福建省2020年初二地理、生物学业水平考试的学生,须提供原报考的县(市、区)教育局招考办公室出具的成绩证明。 原则上,原非泉州户籍学生须返回原学籍地县(市、区)报到,原泉州户口学生须返回原学籍所在地县(市、区)报到。他们原来的学生注册是。 在读高中生不得申请。


参加中考的考生可以在网上填写申请表。 起止时间定为6月12日上午8点至18日下午6点。 泉州市中考信息管理系统的网址是:。 考生通过手机获取验证码,注册成为用户并设置登录密码。 任何个人或学校未经授权不得代为运营。 考生可以在学校、家里或其他地方填写申请表。 申请表的具体填写方法由市教育招生考试机构另行通知和安排。 对因系统显示“报名信息无效”而未能报名的考生,各县(市、区)教育局或报名点应及时调查原因,帮助符合报名条件的学生及时完成报名。

各县(市、区)教育局和普通中学要加强宣传引导,确保志愿者申报工作顺利进行。 考生只能申请在其注册地区招生的高中学校。 志愿者批次详见《2021年泉州市高中招生(含五年制职业学院)考生志愿者表(样表)》(附件1)。 官方志愿表以泉州市中考信息管理系统中的考生为准。 以志愿者表格为准。



按照普通职业教育大致均等招生的原则,协调本地区学校布局能力和班级控制要求,结合我市实际情况,编制了《2021年泉州市普通高中招生计划》各县(市、区)、分校一次性印发。 》(附件2),各地学校不得随意更改。 对连续三年无实际招生规模或连续三年每年实际招生人数不足100人的普通高中,适时停止招生计划。 同校区普通高中高中部招生计划不超过1000人,每班学生人数不超过50人。


1、协同组织管理。 泉州市教育局和县(市、区)教育局招生管理部门协调组织管理全市各普通高中和在我市招生的中等职业学校的招生招生工作。 泉州市教育局协调全市高中学校招生招生工作,负责全市省级标准高中中外高中课程实验班招生、民办普通高中统一招生工作、中心城区普通高中统一招生计划。 招生切线工作。 各县(市、区)教育局负责组织辖区内普通高中的招生工作。 具体录取安排将另行通知。

2.加强综合素质评价。 综合素质评价以学生思想品德、学业水平、身心健康、艺术素养、社会实践五个维度为主要评价内容,客观记录学生成长过程,促进学生综合素质的提高。个人发展。 学生综合素质评价结果以A(优秀)、B(良好)、C(合格)、D(不合格)四个等级呈现,并附有切合实际的评价报告。 学校评定为A-level的学生比例不得超过该校初中毕业生总数的40%,学校各班A-level学生比例之差不得超过5%; B级和C级学生人数不存在比例关系,但应科学合理; D级学生的数量受到特别严格的控制。 除非学生有违法犯罪行为,一般不评定为D级。 综合素质评价未达到毕业要求的,必须给予学生限期整改和提高的机会。 综合素质评价结果作为录取的重要参考。 《2021年泉州市初中毕业生综合素质评价报告》(见附件3)由学校报送县(市、区)教育局招考办公室作为招生依据。 各地学校要及时对接使用省教育厅制定的全省初中生综合素质评价管理系统。




4. 入学最低成绩和分数限制。

报考省一级标准高中的考生,省统考九科成绩均在C以上(简称9C及以上),高中成绩24分(含)以上。体育与健康,综合素质评价合格。 多于。 报考省二级、三级、二级高中,省统一考试九科成绩均在D以上(简称9D及以上),并通过综合考试质量评价或以上。

划定本市普通高中最低招生控制线。 按照全市初中三年级学生人数1:0.65的比例,以最后入围考生的原成绩(去掉小数点,保留整数)作为全市最低录取控制线对于普通高中; 经县级教育行政部门批准并报市教育局批准后,对艺术、体育等特殊人才的学生,可以适当降低入学最低控制线。 各普通高中不得擅自招收最低招生控制线以下考生。

划定符合省级标准的省高中中外高中课程实验班最低录取控制线。 按照全市省一级高中项目总数1:2的比例,以最后入围考生的原始成绩(去掉小数点,保留整数)作为最低录取控制线省高中中外高中课程实验班。 各中外高中课程实验班不得擅自招收最低招生控制线以下考生。


(一)定向招生。 县(市、区)省级高中等优质普通高中按不低于50%的比例配置给本地区初中(含完全中学初中)。招生计划和定向招生名额要向农村初中分配。 以及没有选择性生源的城市初中。 合理控制定向生降分幅度,将各一级标准高中和其他优质普通高中的降分控制在低于最低录取分数线50分(含)以内。 进一步扩大政策覆盖面,确保每所农村初中一定比例的学生考入优质高中,并确保初中至少有一名合格考生按最低录取标准录取普通高中控制线,充分发挥初中教育均衡和质量优势。 加强积极引导。 省教育厅将定向招生情况作为省级示范高中和一级高中评价考核的重要内容。


填写定向入学申请书的考生为在学籍所在学校实际就读连续两年以上的应届初中毕业生。 自2021年秋季入学的初一学生起,填写定向招生申请表的2024届初中毕业生考生须实际就读学籍所在学校连续三个学年。 各初中(含完全中学初中)须按规定一一审核确认学生是否具备申请定向生资格,并统一填写《2021年泉州市优质普通高中定向招生表》学生资格审查表》(见附件4)。 经班主任、年级组长、学籍主任、校长签字后,在班级、学校公示不少于5个工作日,并于2021年6月1日前报学校主管教育局备案。

(二)自主招生。 全市每年自主招生比例控制在全市普通高中招生计划总额的5%左右。 2021年起,各县(市、区)各学校原有特殊类型招生的体育艺术人才全部纳入自主招生范围。 经市教育局批准自主招生的普通高中,可在规定招生范围内自主选拔招生具有学科特长和创新潜力的学生,自主招生比例控制在学校招生计划的10%以内; 经省、市教育行政部门批准的示范性高中建设学校、高中课程改革基地学校、高中多元化发展改革实验学校(特殊高中)和经部门确认的民办普通高中,自主招生比例可按适当放宽到15%左右(但不超过100名学生)。 严格按照要求控制本市跨县(市)普通高中招生数量和招生规模,规范招生行为。 招生计划不得超过学校当年招生计划的5%。 自主招生的学校必须具备特色办学基础和相关基础支撑能力,并按照要求严格控制自主招生比例。

在自主招生和选拔中,必须充分利用学生综合素质评价结果,全面考察学生的身体健康和心理素质。 严禁以学业成绩作为唯一录取标准; 要特别注重选拔数学等基础学科拔尖学生进行个性化培养。 鼓励农村开展“圆梦班”等自主招生项目。 全市普通高中自主招生安排在中考结束后10天内完成,安排提前录取。 报读普通高中自主招生的学生,还须于6月12日至18日填写提前入学申请表,且只能申请普通高中自主招生; 严禁普通高中学校擅自与考生非法提前签订合同; 所有参加自主招生的学生必须参加初中学业水平考试,并达到我市规定的普通高中最低录取分数线。 各县(市、区)要遵循公平正义的基本原则,“一校一策”监督指导学校完善自主招生细则。 各学校要认真制定自主招生计划(包括打造学校特色的目标任务、基本能力和主要措施;专业和特色自主招生的范围、类别和名额;报名条件和方式;招生办法和招生计划等)。入学手续等)。 自主招生申请报告和方案经有关教育行政部门审核同意后,报市教育局审批。 各学校经批准的自主招生计划、各环节和录取结果要及时向社会公开,招生录取各环节要自觉主动接受监督和监督。 各县(市、区)须于今年5月10日前将批准的学校自主招生计划报市教育局中等教育科,然后报省教育厅基础教育处备案。

民办高中应严格按照批准的自主招生计划规范实施自主招生,并填写《2021年泉州市普通高中自主招生预录取学生申请表》(见附件5)。 招生时,学生及家长还须与学校签署《202​​1年泉州市标准化民办高中招生费用双向承诺书》(见附件6),并上传至全市中考信息管理系统2021年7月7日前审批,同时将纸质申请表报主管教育局招生管理部门。 学校未能完成自主招生计划名额的,剩余名额将依次转入相应学校统一招生批次计划。

民办高中自主招生学校须与填写学校自主招生意愿并获得预录取的学生及其家长签署预录取确认书。 学生中考成绩符合我市普通高中最低录取控制线及自主招生学校规定的 学生中考成绩未达到普通高中最低录取控制线的达到我市及自主招生学校最低录取要求的,取消学生自主招生。 资格,学生将根据自己的意愿和成绩参与切线录取过程; each student can only sign a pre-admission confirmation letter with one independent high school admissions school.

(3) Unified enrollment. The delineation of the shortlisting work line for the batch of "Provincial Standard High School Chinese and Foreign High School Curriculum Experimental Classes and Private High Schools for the City's Enrollment": Based on the 1:1.2 ratio of the total number of plans for this batch, from the time when the volunteers for this batch are filled in and the scores are applied to ordinary high schools Among the candidates who have the lowest admission control line and all nine subjects of the provincial unified examination must reach D and above (referred to as 9D and above), they will be ranked in order from high to low, and the last shortlisted candidate will be selected as the final candidate. This batch of shortlisted work lines. The total score of the candidate's high school entrance examination in Chinese, mathematics, English, ethics and rule of law, history, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, physical education and health (including points added due to policy considerations or points deducted according to regulations) is called the investment file. 观点。

"Experimental classes for Chinese and foreign high school courses and private high schools enrolling in provincial high schools that meet the city's standards" general high schools' first batch submission method: Candidates shortlisted for the job line will be admitted in accordance with the principle of volunteer priority, from high scores to low scores; candidates shortlisted for the job line will be admitted Schools that are unable to complete the program will be placed in a grade-by-point drop-off. If the candidate fills in the application for the "Provincial Standard High School Chinese and Foreign High School Curriculum Experimental Class" application, he must also meet the application score to reach the "Provincial Standard High School Chinese and Foreign High School Curriculum Experimental Class Minimum Admission Control Line", and the nine subject grades of the provincial unified examination should reach C and above (referred to as 9C and above).

"Experimental classes for Chinese and foreign high school courses and private high schools enrolling students in provincial high schools in the county (central urban area)" regular high schools have the same shortlisting work lines and filing methods as above. The number of unfinished plans for the provincial standard high school Chinese and foreign high school curriculum experimental classes and private high schools to enroll students in the city will be transferred to the corresponding schools for this batch of plans.

To apply for provincial-standard high school Chinese and foreign high school curriculum experimental classes and private high schools (ie, the first and sixth batches of volunteers) that recruit students across the city and within the county (central urban area), candidates and their parents must first understand the fees charged by the school. Standards, comprehensive consideration of factors such as the family's financial affordability, and careful selection before filling out the application, and you will be responsible for the wishes you have filled out. Students who are enrolled in experimental classes for Chinese and foreign high school courses in provincial high schools that meet provincial standards are not allowed to transfer to the regular classes of the school.

The remaining batches of ordinary high schools are still based on the candidates' scores in the ten subject examinations of the high school entrance examination and the minimum grade standards. The specific shortlisting work lines and submission methods will be announced by our bureau in a separate document for the central urban areas. The remaining counties (cities) , district) shall be announced by the county (city, district) Education Bureau.

4. Examination enrollment management and organizational leadership

(1) Examination enrollment management

1. Applicants for admission to ordinary high schools in our city in 2021 must take the Quanzhou Junior High School Graduation Entrance Examination in 2021. Strictly prohibit all forms of "junior high school diversion", ensure that every student receives a complete and qualified nine-year compulsory education, protect the right of junior high school graduates to participate in the high school entrance examination, encourage junior high school graduates to make rational choices, and actively fill in the applications for secondary vocational schools based on actual conditions.

2. The cut-off time for the city's high school entrance examinations is uniformly arranged around July 18, and the city's general high school enrollment work will be completed before August 5.

3. Further improve the city's unified high school entrance examination information management system. All students who are promoted to ordinary high schools in our city must be uniformly admitted through the city's high school entrance examination information management system, which is managed by the Municipal Education Bureau, counties (cities, districts) ) The admissions management department of the Education Bureau will review and handle the admission procedures. The unified admission list of our city's high school entrance examination information management system is the basis for the renewal of ordinary high school students' academic status. Students who have not been confirmed by the municipal education bureau's high school admissions management department will not be initiated or approved. If students fail to register at school, the school shall not register them as students and shall not include them in the statistics of current students.

4. All ordinary high schools must recruit students simultaneously according to the unified approved enrollment plan, scope, standards and methods. It is strictly prohibited to compete for students in violation of regulations, "pinch" enrollment, cross-regional enrollment, enrollment beyond the plan and enrollment in advance. Once verified, the enrollment will be carried out in accordance with the law and regulations. Take it seriously. It is necessary to fully respect the right of candidates to fill in their own choices, and it is strictly prohibited for schools and teachers to fill in the choices for candidates or change students' choices without authorization; candidates must not be forced or prevented in any form or reason from applying to this school or other schools.

5. Support and standardize the development of private education. Support private schools to participate in the reform of the examination and enrollment system. Private high schools and public high schools have the same enrollment rights, and private high schools should be included in the enrollment plan. Each school is not allowed to double-admit students who have been admitted online by public or private high schools. Private general high schools must standardize enrollment behavior in accordance with the law, implement enrollment according to the approved enrollment plan and determined enrollment scope, strictly implement the private school fee disclosure system, and strictly prohibit illegal enrollment activities such as privately linking enrollment with donation enrollment.

6. Ordinary high schools that have not yet completed their enrollment plans will set up batches for soliciting volunteers. Candidates who have not been admitted to ordinary high schools can apply again to apply for admission. Parallel volunteers will be implemented for admission, and admission will be based on high scores to low scores. The time for soliciting volunteers is around July 25, and will be organized by the Municipal Education Bureau.

7. Students who have been admitted to ordinary high schools (including provincial standard high schools, Chinese and foreign high school curriculum experimental classes and private high schools) but fail to register at the admitted school within the prescribed time will be deemed to have voluntarily given up their admission qualifications to ordinary high schools and cannot attend other ordinary high schools. Admissions are allowed to apply for secondary vocational schools (including five-year higher vocational schools) according to personal wishes.

(2) Strengthen organizational leadership

1. Strengthen responsibility. Party organizations in education departments at all levels must comprehensively strengthen party leadership and correctly grasp the political direction of examination and enrollment work; education discipline inspection and supervision departments must effectively strengthen inspection and supervision to prevent and crack down on corruption in examination and enrollment. Each county (city, district) education bureau must strengthen supervision, inspection and guidance on enrollment work, student status registration, and actual school attendance management, clarify department responsibilities, implement division of labor and collaboration, improve plans and measures, strengthen risk assessment, and improve emergency response mechanisms; Each county (city, district) education bureau and ordinary middle school should set up an emergency working group, clarify the contact person and phone number for admissions, and report to the higher education administrative department respectively to ensure epidemic prevention and control and the city's high school entrance examination reform and admissions work Smooth, orderly and safe advancement.

2. Standardize admissions. All county (city, district) education bureaus and ordinary middle schools should enhance their awareness of legal, normative and sunny enrollment, timely and publicly announce enrollment information through portals, WeChat public accounts and local mainstream media, and effectively strengthen the comprehensive publicity and correctness of relevant enrollment policies. Guide and strengthen integrity education, and inform every student and their parents about the high school entrance examination admissions and reform policies that they should know and need to know through a letter to parents, parent meetings, etc.; it is necessary to go deep into rural and remote poverty-stricken areas and actively publicize the establishment of archives The free policy for students from families with financial difficulties and the financial aid policy for students from families with financial difficulties have been established to ensure that poor students can receive timely funding and successfully complete their studies. All county (city, district) education bureaus must strengthen school quota consolidation and quality control. After the high school entrance examination enrollment work is completed, the three-year consolidation rate, high school entrance examination pass rate of all subjects, and high school entrance examination single subject pass rate of junior high school graduating students shall be calculated in accordance with relevant requirements. , and submit the completed "2021 Fujian Province Ordinary Junior High School Education and Teaching Evaluation Form" (see Attachment 7) to the Education Department of our bureau before October 10, 2021.

3. Strict supervision and accountability. All county (city, district) education bureaus must adhere to a correct view of political performance. They must not issue admissions indicators or evaluate schools and teachers based on the high school entrance examination admission rate. They must not link the admission rate to school projects, fund allocation, merit evaluation, etc., and must not pass Reward teachers and students in any form based on high school entrance examination results. All county (city, district) education bureaus and ordinary middle schools are strictly prohibited from announcing, publicizing, or hyping the "top scorer" in the high school entrance examination and the admission rate. It is necessary to strictly standardize the enrollment order and student status management, and strictly implement the "Ten Strict Prohibitions" disciplines. Privately-run schools that engage in illegal enrollment and student status management regulations should be interviewed, criticized, ordered to make corrections, and other penalties depending on the severity of the case. For public schools, relevant personnel and leaders should also be held accountable in accordance with regulations; for private schools, penalties for reducing enrollment plans for the next year, suspending enrollment, or revoking school licenses can be imposed in accordance with laws and regulations. For areas where supervision is not in place or performance of duties is not in place, causing adverse effects or serious consequences, relevant units and personnel will be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations, and a good education ecosystem will be created that is standardized, orderly, and prohibitive.

Attachment: 1. 2021 Quanzhou City High School Enrollment (including five-year higher vocational) candidate application form (sample form)

2. Quanzhou General High School Enrollment Plan for 2021

3. 2021 Quanzhou Junior High School Graduates Comprehensive Quality Evaluation Report

4. 2021 Qualification Review Form for Quanzhou High-quality Oriented High School Students

5. 2021 Quanzhou Ordinary High School Independent Enrollment Pre-admission Student Application Form

6. Two-way Commitment Letter on Standardizing Private High School Enrollment Fees in Quanzhou City in 2021

7. 2021 Fujian Province Ordinary Junior High School Education and Teaching Evaluation Table

Quanzhou Education Bureau

2021 年 3 月 23 日


