一本线高考网 录取查询 娄底市2022年中考方案出台!娄底中招网查录取结果


近日,娄底市教育局下发通知(娄交通[2022]30号),对娄底市2022年初中学业水平考试和高中招生考试作出安排。 详情如下:

为贯彻落实《教育部办公厅关于进一步加强普通中小学招生招生工作的通知》(教济厅[2022]1号)、省厅《实施意见》 《教育部关于进一步加强普通中小学招生和招生管理工作的通知》(湘教发[2021]16号)和《娄底市教育局关于印发的通知》(娄校通[2018]114号)等文件,推进全市初中学业水平考试和高中招生考试(以下简称“中考”)制度改革,切实规范招生招生行为,结合我市实际,制定本实施方案。




1、公办、民办高中实行就地招生,在招生范围内进行“公民招生”。 冷水江市、涟源市、双峰县、新化县普通高中招收县内初中学生; 市政府、娄星区、娄底经济开发区普通高中在市政府、娄星区、娄底经济开发区招生。 区初中招生。

2、普通高中可申请自主招生,招收一定数量的高水平体育、艺术生。 高水平体育艺术生坚持本地招生,不允许跨地区招生。

3、根据《湖南省体育局、湖南省教育厅关于印发《湖南省深化体教融合促进青少年健康发展实施方案》(湘体字[2021] 52号),经市教育局批准,娄底一中、娄底三中各招收1支男子足球队,娄底二中招收1支女子足球队、1支男子篮球队、冷水江六中招收男子排球队1支。 以上5支高水平运动队面向全市各地招收学生。




根据2021年高中招生计划完成情况和2022年全市初中毕业生人数,按照教育均衡发展和普职分流的要求,由市教育局负责统筹管理全市高中阶段招生计划,确定年度招生规模,并分解到县、市、市三级。 各县、市教育局根据娄底市教育局下发的招生计划控制号,具体制定本地区高中学校推荐招生计划。 高中招生计划包括省、市普通高中示范校指标生计划、普通高中自主招生(高水平运动队、高水平体育艺术生)计划、普通高中总体计划、职业学校早期批准规划和职业学校总体规划。 市教育局审核批准各县、市、高中招生学校的拟招生计划后,向各招生学校下达正式的强制招生计划。 招生计划一次性下发,不保留灵活计划,招生过程中不会增加额外的招生计划。 招生计划由市、县(市)高中招生办公室向社会公布,接受社会监督。


各普通高中自主招生计划报县、市教育局审核,报市教育局体质艺术科、市中学招生办备案,并主动向社会公开公众。 招生对象是通过我市初中学业水平考试合格的学生。 的学生。 自主招生学校初中学业水平考试后必须严格按照自主招生计划和程序组织招生,并主动公开各方面招生情况和录取结果。 本地区公办普通高中自主招生总数原则上不超过当年本地区公办普通高中计划招生总数的5%。


1、将双峰一中、新华一中、冷水江一中、涟源一中不低于50%的招生计划作为目标生计划,合理分配到各自县市的初中。 将娄底一中、娄底五中不低于50%的招生计划作为目标生计划,合理分配到市政府和娄底经济开发区初中。 将娄底二中、娄底三中不低于50%的招生计划作为目标生计划,合理分配至娄星区教育局辖内初中。

2、目标生计划分配方式为:(某中学三年级在校生总数/高中目标生招生范围内在校生总数) × 高中学校目标学生计划总数。 计算结果根据四舍五入原则确定。


农村初中、小学、幼儿园、特殊教育教师定向培养招生专项规划,由各县(市)提出,由省教育厅批准下发。 招生对象为计划所在县市应届初中毕业生。 申请定向培养的考生必须在户籍所在地学校就读(户籍所在地在娄星区的学校不包括娄底市直属学校)。


中等职业学校相应的高考计划报市教育局审批,由职业学校根据办学条件批准; 高等职业院校五年规划由省教育厅批准下发。

4. 考试报名





1、所有考生必须到学籍所在学校报名参加中考。 考生基本注册信息通过国家学籍管理系统收集。 考生图像信息以身份证为准。 各县、市、初中学校要提醒考生提前准备好身份证。 。






一、2022年我市初中学业水平考试科目为语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、道德与法治、历史、体育与健康、生物、地理10个科目。 语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、品德法治、历史、体育、健康为三年级考试科目,生物、地理为二年级考试科目。 物理与化学、伦理与法治、历史、生物、地理分别实行联考,单独计分,分别称为理科综合、文科综合、生物地理学综合。

2、我市2022年初中学业水平考试满分为语文150分,数学、英语各120分,物理90分,化学70分,历史、生物、地理、道德与法治、体育与健康。 10科总分850分。

3、所有初二年级未在我市参加生物、地理考试的外地转学学生,须参加转学地生物、地理初中学业水平考试,并提供成绩单当地教育主管部门颁发的证书。 其出生地综合成绩按照2021年全市生物、地理初中学业水平考试平均成绩计入考生中考综合成绩。


5、英语科目考试统一听力考试,即英语试卷由听力和笔试两部分组成,在同一班级进行考试。 英语听力考试题安排在笔试题之前。 它们是第一个问题,得分为 20 分。



八、按照省、市有关规定,本市初中学历考试体育、健康科目实行统一考试方案,由各县、市教育部门组织实施。 市立学校由市教育局体质艺术科主办。 各县、市、区教育局、市教育局体育、健康、艺术部门须在考试后10个工作日内将体育、健康检查结果导入招生系统。

9.自主招生(高水平运动队、高水平体艺生)专业测试。 申请相关学校自主招生的考生,必须参加学校所在县、市组织的体育、音乐、艺术专业考试(已取得免试资格的除外)。 县市学校和市立学校的专业考试分别由县市教育局体质艺术科和市教育局统筹协调,由招生学校组织实施。


信息技术、理化实验操作、英语口语交际、音乐、美术等科目的考试成绩以及初中生综合素质评价结果作为普通高中录取的依据。 信息技术、理化实验、英语口语交际、音乐、美术、综合素质评价结果分为A、B、C、D四个等级。

信息技术、理化生物实验操作、英语口语交际考试由市、县基础教育部门(单位)统筹管理,电教、仪器设备部门具体负责并组织实施、教学研究所(教研室)。 音乐、艺术考试由县、市学校制定具体实施办法并组织实施,市属学校由市教育局体育卫生艺术科组织实施。 初中毕业生综合素质评价结果由毕业学校(或注册点)评定。


中考组织实行县、市负责制。 各县、市教育局负责根据要求制定集体考试计划,报市中考办公室登记后组织实施。 中考考点原则上应设在当年高考考点。 高考考点无法容纳的,各县(市)将根据实际情况研究确定新的考点。 考点设置必须基本符合高考考点要求,并报市中考办公室备案。 各县市要严格纪律和考试作风。 各文化考试科目严格按照高考模式进行考试。 本市实行统一命题、统一闭卷考试、统一报名志愿者、统一网上评分、统一公布成绩、统一录取。 体育、健康科目考试必须全程监控、录像,确保公开、公平、公正。 对于市属学校,市教育局制定集体考试计划,严格进行集体考试。

试卷必须使用车况良好、密封性能良好的金属密封车辆运输(县市至考点可使用汽车、货车); 试卷在启封前属于国家秘密,所有考区(县、市、直辖市)和考点必须设立密室。 试卷保密期间,保密室必须配备两名以上专职保密人员。 任何时候,每班保密员不少于2人,并24小时值班。



7. 志愿者申请表

(1) 自愿设置

招生志愿者分为三类:公费乡村教师定向培养招生(农村初中、小学、幼儿园、特殊教育教师定向培养招生专项计划)、普通高中招生、和职业学校招生。 普通高中招生条件包括指标生批次、自主招生批次和普通高中总体规划批次。 职业学校招生选择包括提前录取选择(中职高考和五年制高职)和职业学校普选选择。

公费乡村教师定向培训志愿者栏目有一项选择; 普通高中目标生批次志愿栏目可有一项选择; 自主招生(体育艺术类高水平生)批次志愿栏有一项选择(体育、音乐、艺术等三项任选其一)。 选择无效)。 一般情况下,计划申请栏中有五个并行选择; 职业学校提前设立一志愿(中职高考和五年制高职二志愿任选其一,多选无效),职业学校一般设立两名平行志愿者。


1.农村教师公费定点培养批次、普通高中自主招生批次(高水平体育艺术生)、职业学校先期批次申请将于5月下旬完成。 普通高中批次志愿者、总体规划批次志愿者、职业学校志愿者申请将于5月下旬完成。 一般在中考成绩公布后填写项目批次申请表,具体时间另行通知。 高水平运动队的招募不需要网上申请。 已报名参加高水平运动队的考生可以同时在线填写其他招生申请。

2、2022年,只有初中毕业前在同一学校就读2年及以上的考生才能填写学生偏好指标; 2023年起,只有初中毕业前在同一学校就读3年的考生才能填写学生偏好指标。 2022年,在同一学校连续入学不满2年的考生名单,由毕业学校审核汇总,上报县、市教育局。 县、市教育局核实后,将其导入招生系统后,再由目标学生填写申请表。 各县市教育局、初中学校要严格把控,严禁弄虚作假。 如有虚假举报,甚至造成稳定性问题的,一经查实,将取消该学生的入学资格,并严肃追究相关人员责任。 符合目标学生志愿条件,并与候选人所在县市的目标学生招生学校共同填写总计划批次第一栏但未填写目标学生志愿的考生批次后,志愿者申报系统会自动填写他们目标学生就读高中的选择。

3、为保证随迁子女继续升学,我市内学籍与户籍不一致的初中考生,可填写学籍地、户籍地普通高中申请表同时报名(指标学生志愿者除外),参加学籍地、户籍地普通高中。 招生及户籍信息以登记时的户籍信息为准。

四、《娄底市2022年高中招生报名指南》(以下简称《报名指南》)由市高中招生办公室统一编制印制。 各县、市教育行政部门和市级有关学校要及时将《报考指南》分发给每一位中考考生。 考生在填写申请表前,必须仔细阅读《申请指南》,详细了解学校条件和招生政策,充分征求家长(或监护人)的意见,根据自身情况填写申请表。 他们不能盲目地填写表格。

5、除高水平运动队招生外,高中和农村教师公费定向培养招生按照娄底中学网上填写的志愿进行。 因应聘者未及时登录娄底中国招聘网录入应聘信息、录入错误、填写应聘表不合理而造成的一切后果,由应聘者及其家长(监护人)承担。

6、任何单位和个人严禁擅自更改考生报名表和登录密码,不得以任何理由阻止、限制、诱导考生填写报名表。 违规者将受到严肃查处。


市高中招生办负责制定网上志愿申请工作实施办法,县、市教育行政部门和各注册学校负责具体实施。 考生可凭注册考生号和初始密码(考生身份证号后六位)在规定时间内进入娄底众招网志愿者征集系统(将娄底市教育局官网替换为娄底众招网或直接登录)。 根据您的意愿,按照相关要求填写、修改申请表,并对申请表负责。



学生的学业水平测试成绩、综合素质评价结果和信息技术、理化生物实验操作、英语口语交流、音乐、艺术测试成绩也作为普通高中录取的依据; 综合素质评价成绩与信息技术、理化生物实验操作、英语口语交际、音乐、艺术考试成绩以“D”或“Enter”为原则。 除自主招生必要的考试、测试外,教育行政部门和民办高中不得举办任何形式的文化选拔考试,不得将培训机构的成绩作为招生依据。 未参加娄底初中学业水平考试的,不得进入本市普通高中入学。



1、各地区普通高中最低招生控制分数由市高中招生办根据各地区普通高中总体规划批次学校招生计划,按照1:1.05的比例确定; 省市示范高中(含省特色高中)不单独志愿批次和录取批次,但最低控制分数须高于本地区普通高中总体规划批次分数10%; 普通高中自主招生(体育、艺术类高水平学生)最低控制分数线不得低于地区普通高中录取最低控制分数线的60%。




1.在全市各批次最低录取控制线上,市高中招生办公室根据属地招生原则和各招生学校的招生计划,从高分到低分以及考生志愿的顺序,指标生计划与普通高中相同。 拟按照1:1的方式进行投稿和录取。

2. 投稿过程中,当多名考生成绩相同时,将采用同分比较原则确定优先顺序,即: ⑴ 比较语文、数学、英语三科总成绩; ⑵ 根据语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、伦理与法治、历史、生物、地理的顺序比较单科成绩,直至找到优先顺序,然后按学校填写的顺序归档由候选人参加。


4、目标学生的录取根据各学校的目标学生计划、目标学生意愿以及学生的学习成绩、综合素质评价、信息技术、理化实验操作、英语口语交流、音乐、艺术考试成绩,乡村教师等。 经过分批公费定向培养后录取。 填写定向生申请的考生,在毕业学校排名不低于学校规划定向生人数的1.5倍,且不低于总体规划录取最低控制分数线省、市级示范高中。 否则,该学生将不会被录取为标杆学生。 本批次未完成的计划自动转入相应学校的总计划,进入总计划批次录取。

5、高水平体育艺术生招生按照《娄底市教育局关于2022年普通高中自主招生高水平体育艺术生的实施意见》执行。 高水平运动队招生按照《娄底市教育局关于2022年部分普通高中自主招收高水平运动队的通知》执行。

6、经职业学校提前批准录取的,录取学校根据考生意愿,征求考生及家长意见确认后,按规定程序录取。 职业学校总体规划招生实行择优录取、择优录取的原则。

7、补充注册。 普通高中,招生学校在招生计划内和复学控制分数线上招募志愿者。 市招生办公室将于8月底安排重新入学,并按规定程序批准入学。 Candidates who are unsuccessful in the public-funded targeted training program for rural teachers will be re-enrolled according to the general high school general plan batch filled in by the students. For vocational schools that have not completed their enrollment plans, they will compile a list of supplementary admissions and submit it to the Municipal School Admissions Office for supplementary admissions procedures at the end of August.

8. After the admission is completed, the admissions school will notify the admitted candidates to report to the school and classes will start at the specified time.

(4) Admission regulations

1. The admission process will be carried out in the order of the public-funded targeted batch of rural teachers, the batch of target students for ordinary high schools, the batch of independent enrollment for ordinary high schools, the early batch of vocational schools, the general batch of ordinary high schools and the general batch of vocational schools. Students admitted in previous batches are not allowed to take admission in all the following batches.

2. The admission work is organized and implemented by the Municipal High School Admissions Office within the specified time. All schools in various places must strictly implement the admissions policies and regulations. No unit or individual is allowed to privately provide relevant materials or information about candidates to the admission schools. For formally admitted students, no unit or individual is allowed to change the school to which they are admitted, and candidates who have been formally admitted to the school are not allowed to be re-admitted in any form.

3. Candidates can go to the local High School Admissions Office to check their admission results. They can check the admission results through the official website of the Loudi Municipal Education Bureau and the Loudi High School Admissions Network (). They can also check the admission results through other channels designated by the Municipal High School Admissions Office. To check the admission results of high school entrance examination candidates, candidates should enter their candidate number and password on the website. If the admission result cannot be found through the above channels, the admission notice will be invalid. Candidates must beware of various illegal admissions practices and avoid being deceived. If candidates have objections to the admission results, they should report the situation to the Admissions Office within one week after the admission results are announced. 逾期申请将不予受理。

4. Each high school school shall handle relevant student status registration and approval procedures based on the admission list reviewed by the Municipal High School Admissions Office. Students who fail to register within the prescribed time after being admitted to a regular high school will be deemed to have voluntarily given up their qualifications for admission to a regular high school and will not be registered as regular high school students. Any regular high school is prohibited from registering for students who are not enrolled in the school. Educational administrative departments and ordinary high schools are not allowed to apply for ordinary high school enrollment for students who are recruited from across regions in violation of regulations. Simultaneous or cross-registration of "dual student status" in ordinary high schools and secondary vocational schools is strictly prohibited. Transfer regulations are strictly followed after admitted students establish their student status.

5. During the admission period, the admissions departments of each county and city must arrange dedicated personnel on duty to effectively publish admission information, receive letters and visits, etc., and serve candidates enthusiastically.

6. All localities and schools must strictly implement relevant national, provincial and municipal fee regulations, and shall not establish fee items or raise fee standards without authorization.

9. Preferential policies

In accordance with relevant laws and regulations and relevant national, provincial and municipal documents, student bonus points or preferential treatment projects such as sports, art, technological innovation, and robotics competitions have been completely cancelled. Relevant specialties and performance will be included in students' comprehensive quality evaluation files. Fresh junior high school graduates who have one of the following circumstances may enjoy preferential policies:

(1) Children of martyrs, heroes and models (first and second level), soldiers and people's policemen who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty will receive an additional 30 points.

(2) 20 points will be added to the children of disabled military personnel from Class I to Class IV and the children of People's Policemen who are disabled in the line of duty from Class I to Class IV.

(3) "Ethnic minority candidates", "children of overseas Chinese, children of returned overseas Chinese and candidates with Taiwanese nationality" will be admitted first under the same conditions.

If the same candidate meets multiple bonus point policies, only the highest one will be taken, and no points will be added repeatedly.

Candidates who apply for preferential points must fill in the "Loudi High School Enrollment Preferential Points Registration Form" (Appendix 1), and present the originals and copies of supporting materials for school review and archiving before May 8. The school must Candidates who meet the preferential bonus points policy will be publicized in the school or relevant media (the school publicity period is one week), and then reported to the county or city education bureau and the municipal high school admissions office for approval according to procedures. The deadline for applying for preferential points is May 18, and any late application will not be accepted.

10. Work requirements

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership

Schools in all regions must establish a scientific outlook on education and a correct outlook on political performance, and create a good environment for standardized enrollment. They must not issue admissions indicators or evaluate schools and teachers solely based on admission rates. They must not publicize or hype the high school entrance examination admission rate or top scorer in the high school entrance examination in any form. It is strictly forbidden to refuse students to take the high school entrance examination for any reason, and it is strictly prohibited to deprive students of the right to take the high school entrance examination in order to pursue the rate of admission. The education administrative departments of all counties and cities should strengthen the leadership and management of enrollment and admission work. According to the spirit of this plan and in combination with local realities, they should establish and improve enrollment leadership institutions and working institutions, and formulate corresponding implementation rules and complete group examination plans. Achieve "according to laws and regulations, clear positions, implementation of responsibilities, and measures in place" to ensure nothing goes wrong.

(2) Implement sunshine enrollment

All local schools must implement the enrollment information disclosure system in accordance with laws and regulations, take the initiative to fully disclose enrollment implementation plans and other relevant information, and consciously accept social supervision. All junior high schools must increase publicity for the high school entrance examination and publish it on school bulletin boards and eye-catching locations. The current year's enrollment examination implementation plan and the enrollment plans of each enrollment school in the city (general high school, vocational high school), school nature (public or private), school type (general high school or vocational school) and other information. During the enrollment period, schools in various places must announce consultation and reporting hotlines (mailboxes) to the public, receive inquiries from the public, and properly handle letters and visits. All localities and schools should adopt various forms to publicize the policies for the admissions examination, and do a good job of publicizing and clarifying key policies and difficult points of public concern. Admissions departments at all levels should strengthen information services, release relevant recruitment information through official media and other formal channels, and provide candidates with consulting services in registration, examination, admission and other aspects. Educational administrative departments at all levels should strengthen guidance and training on enrollment policies for school leaders and graduating teachers, so as to achieve consistent policy control and consistent propaganda.

(3) Strengthen inspection and supervision

Educational administrative departments and admissions departments at all levels must adhere to principles, be honest and self-disciplined, act impartially, strictly implement the rules and regulations for admissions examinations, and must not take advantage of their work to engage in unhealthy practices. It is necessary to strictly implement the "four systems", "five supervisions", "six disclosures" and "six inaccuracies" in the enrollment work, increase the intensity of information disclosure, and improve the open and transparent enrollment work system. The “four systems” are strict publicity system, integrity system, supervision system, and evaluation and monitoring system. The "five supervisions" mean accepting supervision from the National People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and all walks of life, accepting the guidance and supervision of superior authorities, accepting the full supervision of examinations and admissions by disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies, accepting the supervision of the news media, and accepting the supervision of candidates and their parents. The "six disclosures" refer to the disclosure of admissions policies, disclosure of application conditions, disclosure of candidates' qualifications, disclosure of enrollment plans, disclosure of admission information, disclosure of candidate consultation and complaint handling results. The "six no-nos" means that you are not allowed to violate relevant national enrollment regulations, you are not allowed to practice favoritism or fraud, you are not allowed to use any method to affect or interfere with the normal order of enrollment, and you are not allowed to assist or participate in illegal enrollment activities organized by any intermediary agency or individual. It is not allowed to ask for or accept cash, WeChat red envelopes, or securities from candidates and parents, or to charge candidates and parents any fees related to admissions for any reason. School is not allowed to start early. Admissions departments at all levels should continue to enrich and improve the publicity columns and content of the "Sunshine Project" information management and service platform, and urge schools to promptly and accurately disclose to the public. The education supervision department should regard the enrollment situation of high school schools as an important part of the two evaluations of the education work of county and city governments and the supervision and evaluation of high school schools, and handle illegal enrollment behaviors in accordance with the national "Education Supervision Accountability Measures". Discipline inspection and supervision agencies must strengthen supervision to truly implement the three tasks of "ensuring examination safety, maintaining fairness and justice, and steadily advancing reform." Any behavior that violates the disciplines and regulations of the high school entrance examination, engages in malpractice for personal gain, or causes adverse consequences due to poor performance will be handed over to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee for serious investigation and punishment in accordance with relevant regulations. Admissions consultation hotline: Basic Education Section of Loudi Education Bureau 0738-8315356, Vocational Education and Adult Education Section of Loudi Education Bureau 0738-8312137, Sports Health and Art Education Section 0738-8313973. Enrollment reporting hotline: Loudi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Municipal Education Bureau Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team 0738-8313973, Loudi Municipal Education Bureau Discipline Inspection Commission 0738-8215375.

11. If the previously released recruitment policy is inconsistent with this implementation plan, this implementation plan shall prevail. If the provincial department issues a new admissions policy, the new opinions of the provincial department shall prevail.

Attached table: 1. Loudi High School Enrollment Discount Bonus Points Registration Form

2. Loudi City's 2022 public-funded targeted training of rural teachers and high school enrollment volunteer registration form (draft form)


