作者:小编 • 更新时间:2024-11-24 13:52:35 •阅读
本科专业名称 | 专业英文名 |
会计 | Accounting |
会计(3年) | Accounting - Three-year Option |
广告学 | Advertising |
航空研究 | Aeronautics (Aeronautical Studies) |
航空学(3年) | Aeronautics (Aeronautical Studies) - Three-year Option |
航空系统工程技术 | Aeronautics (Aeronautical Systems Engineering Technology) |
空中交通管制 | Aeronautics (Air Traffic Control) |
航空管理 | Aeronautics (Aviation Management) |
飞行技术 | Aeronautics (Flight Technology) |
农业经营 | Agribusiness |
美国手语 | American Sign Language |
人类学 | Anthropology |
考古人类学 | Anthropology (Archaeology) |
生物人类学 | Anthropology (Biological Anthropology) |
应急管理 | Applied Conflict Management |
应用工程与技术管理 | Applied Engineering (Applied Engineering and Technology Management) |
计算机工程技术 | Applied Engineering (Computer Engineering Technology) |
液晶与显示工程 | Applied Engineering (Liquid Crystal and Display Engineering) |
机械工程技术 | Applied Engineering (Mechanical Engineering Technology) |
机械工程技术(3年) | Applied Engineering (Mechanical Engineering Technology) - Three-year Option |
机电一体化 | Applied Engineering (Mechatronics) |
应用数学 | Applied Mathematics (Applied Mathematics) |
计算数学 | Applied Mathematics (Computational Mathematics) |
金融数学 | Applied Mathematics (Financial Mathematics) |
概率统计 | Applied Mathematics (Probability and Statistics) |
考古学 | Archaeology (Anthropology) |
建筑学 | Architectural Studies |
建筑学(3年) | Architectural Studies - Three-year Option |
建筑学 | Architecture |
艺术教育 | Art Education |
艺术史 | Art History |
体能训练 | Athletic Training |
化学 | Biochemistry (Chemistry) |
生物学 | Biology |
分子与细胞生物学 | Biology (Molecular and Cellular Biology) |
有机体生物学 | Biology (Organismal Biology) |
生物学 | Biology (Pre-Medicine/Pre-Osteopathy/Pre-Dentistry) |
生物技术 | Biotechnology |
植物学 | Botany |
商业管理 | Business Management |
商业管理(3年) | Business Management - Three-year Option |
工商管理 | Business Management Technology (Business Administration) |
计算机应用 | Business Management Technology (Computer Applications) |
一般管理学 | Business Management Technology (General Management, Entrepreneurship, Manufacturing) |
信息技术 | Business Management Technology (Information Technology) |
市场营销 | Business Management Technology (Marketing and Sales) |
商务俄语 | Business Russian |
商务西班牙语 | Business Spanish |
化学 | Chemistry |
生物化学 | Chemistry (Biochemistry) |
生物化学(医学预科) | Chemistry (Biochemistry–Pre-Medicine/Pre-Osteopathy/Pre-Dentistry) |
综合化学 | Chemistry (Integrated Science) |
化学与生命科学 | Chemistry (Life Science/Chemistry) |
材料化学 | Chemistry (Materials Chemistry) |
古典文明 | Classics (Classical Civilization) |
希腊古典文明 | Classics (Greek) |
拉丁古典文明 | Classics (Latin) |
应用传播学 | Communication Studies (Applied Communication) |
国际传播学 | Communication Studies (Global Communication) |
健康传播 | Communication Studies (Health Communication) |
人际沟通 | Communication Studies (Interpersonal Communication) |
人际沟通(3年) | Communication Studies (Interpersonal Communication) - Three-year Option |
组织传播 | Communication Studies (Organizational Communication) |
公共传播 | Communication Studies (Public Communication) |
社区卫生教育 | Community Health Education |
社区卫生教育(3年) | Community Health Education - Three-year Option |
计算机信息系统 | Computer Information Systems |
计算机信息系统(3年) | Computer Information Systems - Three-year Option |
计算机科学 | Computer Science |
游戏编程 | Computer Science (Game Programming) |
计算机信息安全 | Computer Science (Information Security) |
建筑管理 | Construction Management |
陶瓷工艺 | Crafts (Ceramics) |
玻璃品工艺 | Crafts (Glass) |
珠宝与金工 | Crafts (Jewelry and Metals) |
纺织艺术 | Crafts (Textile Arts) |
手工艺品 | Crafts or Fine Arts (Crafts) |
美术手工艺品 | Crafts or Fine Arts (Fine Arts) |
犯罪和司法研究(修正) | Criminology and Justice Studies (Corrections) |
犯罪和越轨 | Criminology and Justice Studies (Criminology and Deviance) |
一般犯罪与司法研究 | Criminology and Justice Studies (General) |
司法与人权 | Criminology and Justice Studies (Justice and Human Relations) |
法律与社会 | Criminology and Justice Studies (Law and Society) |
警务 | Criminology and Justice Studies (Policing) |
舞蹈教育 | Dance (Dance Education) |
舞蹈表演 | Dance (Dance Performance) |
舞蹈学 | Dance Studies |
数字电影 | Digital Media Production (Digital Film) |
电视 | Digital Media Production (Television) |
数字科技 | Digital Sciences |
数字系统分析 | Digital Sciences (Digital Systems Analysis) |
数字系统交互 | Digital Sciences (Digital Systems Interaction) |
数码系统管理 | Digital Sciences (Digital Systems Management) |
数字系统软件开发 | Digital Sciences (Digital Systems Software Development) |
数字系统通信网络 | Digital Sciences (Digital Systems Telecommunication Networks) |
企业架构 | Digital Sciences (Enterprise Architecture) |
早教 | Early Childhood Education |
早教(3年) | Early Childhood Education - Three-Year Option |
早教技术 | Early Childhood Education Technology |
地球科学 | Earth Science |
经济学 | Economics |
经济学(3年) | Economics - Three-year Option |
教育研究 | Educational Studies |
工程技术(2+2) | Engineering Technology (2+2 Integrated Engineering Technology) |
电脑设计、动画与游戏设计 | Engineering Technology (Computer Design, Animation and Game Design) |
电气与电子工程技术 | Engineering Technology (Electrical/Electronics) |
新能源工程技术 | Engineering Technology (Green and Alternative Energy) |
机械工程技术 | Engineering Technology (Mechanical/Systems) |
英语 | English |
创业管理 | Entrepreneurship |
创业管理(3年) | Entrepreneurship - Three-year Option |
生物保护 | Environmental and Conservation Biology (Conservation Biology) |
环境政策与管理 | Environmental and Conservation Biology (Environmental Policy and Management) |
运动生理学 | Exercise Science (Exercise Physiology) |
运动生理学(3年) | Exercise Science (Exercise Physiology) - Three-year Option |
运动专家 | Exercise Science (Exercise Specialist) |
运动专家(3年) | Exercise Science (Exercise Specialist) - Three-year Option |
运动科学(职业理疗预科) | Exercise Science (Pre-Physical.Occupational Therapy) |
运动科学(职业理疗预科3年) | Exercise Science (Pre-Physical.Occupational Therapy) - Three-year Option |
应用工程与技术 | Exploratory (Aeronautics, Applied Engineering and Technology) |
生物科学、卫生与健康 | Exploratory (Biological Sciences, Health and Wellness) |
商学 | Exploratory (Business) |
通讯、新闻及传媒 | Exploratory (Communication, Journalism and Media) |
计算机数学与信息科学 | Exploratory (Computer Mathematics and Information Sciences) |
设计 | Exploratory (Design) |
教育与教学 | Exploratory (Education and Teaching) |
政府、公共政策和司法 | Exploratory (Government, Public Policy and Justice) |
人力资源和社会科学 | Exploratory (Human Services and Social Sciences) |
语言、文学和文化 | Exploratory (Languages, Literature and Cultures) |
物理科学与环境 | Exploratory (Physical Siences and the Environment) |
体育、娱乐及酒店服务 | Exploratory (Sport, Recreation and Hospitality) |
视觉与表演艺术 | Exploratory (Visual and Performing Arts) |
时装设计 | Fashion Design |
时装营销 | Fashion Merchandising |
时装营销采购(3年) | Fashion Merchandising - Three-year Option |
金融 | Finance |
金融(3年) | Finance - Three-year Option |
绘图艺术 | Fine Arts (Drawing) |
绘图与绘画 | Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary–Drawing/Painting) |
绘图与雕塑 | Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary–Drawing/Sculpture) |
绘图与版画 | Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary–Painting/Printmaking) |
绘画与雕塑 | Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary–Painting/Sculpture) |
版画与绘图 | Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary–Printmaking/Drawing) |
雕塑与版画 | Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary–Sculpture/Printmaking) |
美术 | Fine Arts (Painting) |
版画艺术 | Fine Arts (Printmaking) |
雕塑艺术 | Fine Arts (Sculpture) |
法国文学文化与翻译 | French Literature, Culture and Translation |
环境地理学 | Geography (Environmental Geography) |
地理信息 | Geography (Geographic Information) |
社会地理学 | Geography (Social Geography) |
地质 | Geology |
环境地质 | Geology (Environmental Geology) |
德国文学、翻译与文化 | German Literature, Translation and Culture |
历史 | History |
历史(3年) | History - Three-year Option |
园艺学 | Horticulture |
酒店管理 | Hospitality Management |
酒店管理(3年) | Hospitality Management - Three-year Option |
人类发展与家庭研究 | Human Development and Family Studies (Case Management for Individuals and Families) |
人类发展与家庭研究(3年) | Human Development and Family Studies (Case Management for Individuals and Families) - Three-year |
儿童及青少年发展 | Human Development and Family Studies (Child and Youth Development) |
儿童及青少年发展(3年) | Human Development and Family Studies (Child and Youth Development) - Three-year Option |
家庭生活教育 | Human Development and Family Studies (Family Life Education) |
家庭生活教育(3年) | Human Development and Family Studies (Family Life Education) - Three-year Option |
老年学 | Human Development and Family Studies (Gerontology) |
老年学(3年) | Human Development and Family Studies (Gerontology) - Three-year Option |
人类服务技术(2+2) | Human Development and Family Studies (Human Services Technology) for associate degree graduates |
护理管理 | Human Development and Family Studies (Nursing Home Administration) |
护理管理(3年) | Human Development and Family Studies (Nursing Home Administration) - Three-year Option |
保险学 | Insurance Studies |
保险学(CPCU) | Insurance Studies (CPCU Holders) |
生命和健康保险 | Insurance Studies (Life and Health Insurance) |
财产保险 | Insurance Studies (Property and Casualty Insurance) |
保健管理及系统 | Integrated Health Studies (Health Care Administration and Systems) |
保健管理及系统(3年) | Integrated Health Studies (Health Care Administration and Systems) - Three-year Option |
卫生科学 | Integrated Health Studies (Health Sciences) |
卫生科学(3年) | Integrated Health Studies (Health Sciences) - Three-year Option |
卫生服务 | Integrated Health Studies (Health Services) |
卫生服务(3年) | Integrated Health Studies (Health Services) - Three-year Option |
综合语言艺术 | Integrated Language Arts |
综合语言艺术(3年) | Integrated Language Arts - Three-year Option |
综合生命科学 | Integrated Life Sciences |
综合数学 | Integrated Mathematics |
综合数学(3年) | Integrated Mathematics - Three-year Option |
综合化学 | Integrated Science (Chemistry) |
综合地球科学 | Integrated Science (Earth Science) |
综合生命科学 | Integrated Science (Life Science) |
综合物理 | Integrated Science (Physics) |
综合经济学 | Integrated Social Studies (Economics) |
综合经济学(3年) | Integrated Social Studies (Economics) - Three-year Option |
综合地理 | Integrated Social Studies (Geography) |
综合地理(3年) | Integrated Social Studies (Geography) - Three-year Option |
综合历史 | Integrated Social Studies (History) |
综合历史(3年) | Integrated Social Studies (History) - Three-year Option |
综合政治学 | Integrated Social Studies (Political Science) |
综合政治学(3年) | Integrated Social Studies (Political Science) - Three-year Option |
综合社会学 | Integrated Social Studies (Sociology) |
综合社会学(3年) | Integrated Social Studies (Sociology) - Three-year Option |
一般综合研究 | Integrative Studies (Integrative Studies - General) |
一般综合研究(3年) | Integrative Studies (Integrative Studies - Three Minors) |
室内设计 | Interior Design |
国际关系 | International Relations |
国际关系与比较政治 | International Relations–Comparative Politics (Political Science) |
广播新闻 | Journalism (Broadcast News) |
杂志 | Journalism (Magazine) |
多媒体新闻 | Journalism (Multimedia News) |
新闻摄影 | Journalism (Photojournalism) |
生命科学 | Life Science |
生命科学与化学 | Life Science/Chemistry |
放射影像学 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging–with AAS Radiologic Technology (Radiologic Imaging Sciences) |
磁共振成像 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging–with certification and ATS degree (Radiologic Imaging Sciences) |
管理营销 | Managerial Marketing |
管理营销(3年) | Managerial Marketing - Three-year Option |
市场营销 | Marketing |
市场营销(3年) | Marketing - Three-year Option |
数学 | Mathematics |
精算 | Mathematics (Actuarial Mathematics) |
医疗技术 | Medical Technology |
中等早教(语文和数学) | Middle Childhood Education (Language Arts and Mathematics) |
中等早教(语文和数学)-3年 | Middle Childhood Education (Language Arts and Mathematics) - Three-year Option |
中等早教(语言艺术和科学) | Middle Childhood Education (Language Arts and Science) |
中等早教(语言艺术和科学)-3年 | Middle Childhood Education (Language Arts and Science) - Three-year Option |
中等早教(数学和科学) | Middle Childhood Education (Mathematics and Science) |
中等早教(数学及社会科学) | Middle Childhood Education (Mathematics and Social Studies) |
中等早教(社会科学和语言艺术) | Middle Childhood Education (Social Studies and Language Arts) |
中等早教(社会科学和语言艺术)-3年 | Middle Childhood Education (Social Studies and Language Arts) - Three-year Option |
中等早教(社会研究和科学) | Middle Childhood Education (Social Studies and Science) |
音乐 | Music |
音乐作曲 | Music (Composition) |
器乐表演 | Music (Instrumental) |
钢琴演奏 | Music (Piano Performance) |
声乐表演 | Music (Voice Performance) |
合唱教育 | Music Education (Choral–General) |
器乐教育 | Music Education (Instrumental) |
录音 | Music Technology (Audio Recording) |
音乐制作 | Music Technology (Music Production) |
护理 | Nursing |
注册护士 | Nursing (BSN for Registered Nurses) |
营养学 | Nutrition |
营养学(3年) | Nutrition - Three-year Option |
非洲区域主义、战略及发展 | Pan-African Studies (Community Activisim, Strategy and Development) |
非洲国际与政治制度 | Pan-African Studies (Global and Government Systems) |
非洲种族与性别研究 | Pan-African Studies (Race, Sex and Gender) |
非洲艺术与文化研究 | Pan-African Studies (The Arts in Culture and Society) |
律师助理研究 | Paralegal Studies |
哲学 | Philosophy |
插图艺术 | Photo Illustration |
体育与健康 | Physical Education (Health and Physical Education) |
体育健身活动和体育表演 | Physical Education (Physical Activity and Sports Performance) |
体育师范教育 | Physical Education (Physical Education Licensure) |
体育师范教育(3年) | Physical Education (Physical Education Licensure) - Three-year Option |
物理科学 | Physical Science |
物理 | Physics |
应用数学 | Physics (Applied Mathematics) |
应用物理学 | Physics (Applied Physics) |
生物科学 | Physics (Biological Sciences) |
化学 | Physics (Chemistry) |
计算机科学 | Physics (Computer Science) |
综合物理 | Physics (Integrated Science) |
物理学(医学预科) | Physics (Pre-Medicine/Pre-Osteopathy) |
物理学研究 | Physics (Research) |
美国政治 | Political Science (American Politics) |
一般政治学 | Political Science (General) |
国际关系与比较政治 | Political Science (International Relations–Comparative Politics) |
公共政策 | Political Science (Public Policy) |
牙医预科 | Pre-Dentistry |
医学预科 | Pre-Medicine/Pre-Osteopathy |
药学预科 | Pre-Pharmacy |
兽医预科 | Pre-Veterinary Medicine |
心理学 | Psychology |
心理学 | Psychology |
心理学(医学预科) | Psychology (Pre-Medicine/Pre-Osteopathy) |
医疗公共卫生 | Public Health (Allied Health) |
环境与职业卫生与安全 | Public Health (Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety) |
环境卫生科学 | Public Health (Environmental Health Science) |
国际卫生 | Public Health (Global Health) |
卫生与教育 | Public Health (Health Promotion and Education) |
卫生服务管理 | Public Health (Health Services Administration) |
公众卫生 | Public Health (Pre-Medicine, Dentistry, Osteopathy) |
公共关系 | Public Relations |
放射影像学 | Radiologic Imaging Sciences |
休闲、公园和旅游管理(公园管理) | Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (Park Management) |
休闲、公园和旅游管理(公园管理)-3年 | Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (Park Management) - Three-year Option |
休闲、公园和旅游管理(休闲管理) | Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (Recreation Management) |
休闲、公园和旅游管理(休闲管理)-3年 | Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (Recreation Management) - Three-year Option |
休闲、公园和旅游管理(旅游管理) | Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (Tourism Management) |
休闲、公园和旅游管理(旅游管理)-3年 | Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (Tourism Management) - Three-year Option |
俄罗斯文学、文化与翻译 | Russian Literature, Culture and Translation |
学校卫生教育 | School Health Education |
社会文化 | Sociology (Cultural Sociology) |
家庭与生活社会学 | Sociology (Family and Life Course Sociology) |
社会学 | Sociology (General) |
医疗社会学 | Sociology (Medical Sociology) |
社会不平等研究 | Sociology (Social Inequalities) |
社会心理学 | Sociology (Sociological Social Psychology) |
西班牙文学、文化与翻译 | Spanish Literature, Culture and Translation |
手语与英语口译 | Special Education (ASL/English Interpreting) |
聋哑教育 | Special Education (Deaf Education) |
语言艺术与阅读 | Special Education (Mild/Moderate Language Arts and Reading) |
语言艺术与阅读(3年) | Special Education (Mild/Moderate Language Arts and Reading) - Three-year Option |
数学和阅读 | Special Education (Mild/Moderate Mathematics and Reading) |
数学和阅读(3年) | Special Education (Mild/Moderate Mathematics and Reading) - Three-year Option |
社会研究与阅读 | Special Education (Mild/Moderate Social Studies and Reading) |
言语病理学和听力学 | Speech Pathology and Audiology |
体育管理 | Sport Administration |
体育管理(3年) | Sport Administration -- Three-year Option |
英语外教 | Teaching English as a Second Language |
技术及应用研究 | Technical and Applied Studies |
戏剧研究 | Theatre Studies (Design/Technology) |
音乐剧 | Theatre Studies (Musical Theatre) |
戏剧表演 | Theatre Studies (Performance) |
贸易及工业教育 | Trade and Industrial Education |
法语翻译 | Translation (French) |
德语翻译 | Translation (German) |
俄语翻译 | Translation (Russian) |
西班牙语翻译 | Translation (Spanish) |
视觉传播设计 | Visual Communication Design |
动物学 | Zoology |